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boyfriend talking with imaginary friends

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my partner has recently told me that he has a few imaginary friends that he has had since childhood who talk to him. he is pretty embarrassed about it and doesn't want to tell me much, so i don't know what they say to him, but i and other people have seen him talking to them. he says he worries about going crazy and thinks that this is a form of schizophrenia, but i am not sure since it is something that he has had since he was very young. he says he didn't have many people to play with as a kid and his parents were not there at all, so he made up these friends and they are still there with him. he also attempted suicide a few months ago and during that episode he told me that jesus talked with him. he refuses to seek help because he says that that would make him feel crazy, but that he can handle this on his own and that it is not a problem. i think it obviously is, especially coupled with the suicide, but i don't want to stigmatize him further by pushing him to seek help. do you all have any idea about what he might have, or advice?


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I agree. If he's worried about being seen as crazy, he's not crazy.


There are many different disorders that he could be diagnosed with. Usually skitzofrenics start as early as mid-teens but generally not much earlier before that. It could be genetic or randomly occurring and they don't realize what they hear is not normal. They hear it and see it as a normal occurrence of their lives. Skitzofrenia can range from moderate to severe, but is a dibilitating illness without treatment and medication.


I think he should see a health care professional about it and not be ashamed. There are many people with some kind of psychological disorder and they are taken just as seriously as someone with a physical ailment. He shouldn't be scared to go or ashamed but should go just to see what it's like for himself. Try to get him away from googling symptoms and stuff because even I could diagnose myself pretty severely with the generalized symptoms listed, lol.


Be there for him. He's going through a difficult time but he needs help. If his situation worsens or he refuses to get help, you may have to try to do an intervention with his family.

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I would gently encourage him to see a psychiatrist based solely on the suicide attempt, since it's an undeniable event. Let him bring up the other behaviors with the doc, as he becomes comfortable. Confronting a possible psychotic can backfire, by seeming to thwart their autonomy.


I have a relative with similar behavior. She's a brilliant, accomplished woman and has developed ways to cope, but she really needed medical help to stay functional.


Since depression is probably the least stigmatized mental illness, Maybe you could suggest his suicide attempt is a red flag for depression.

The goal is getting him to talk to a pro, any way possible.

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thanks you all so much for your advice, it is really helpful. i will work more to get him to see a psychiatrist, but he is pretty stubborn about not going and refuses to continue talking with me when i bring it up. if you all have suggestions about how i can talk about this with thim, that'd be great too! thanks so much again, you all are great!

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Hi there,


It is possible for him to have depression with psychotic features. Also he may not be necesarrily schizophrenic but may have a milder case of it such as schiziod personality disorder or schizotypal personality disorder. Chances are if your boyfriend is worried about being crazy or worried that others will view his crazy, chances are is NOT psychotic.


In either case, it is important for your boyfriend to seek professional help to receive a proper diagnosis. With the combination of therapy and medication, his quality of life can improve greatly. I wish you all the best. Let us know how you are doing.


Here are some links describing schizoid personality disorder-






Here are some links describing Schizotypal Personality Disorder-





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Talk to him and tell him that he needs to be seen by a psychologist/psychiatrist and if he doesn't that you'll approach his parents.


There's nothing wrong with having sziophrenia, it's highly treatable. However, if he continues to deny treatment, he will get worse and worse until he really is in a bad situation where he will need much more medication than if he is evaluated now.


It's tough, but he really needs to be evaluated. His chemical imbalance will only worsen if not treated.

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