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Eating healthy as a single person

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I really need to learn to eat healthier as a single person. I went up to visit my parents in LA today and my mom kind of started hassling me about how I have gained weight, etc., etc. She constantly hassles me about my weight and says I need to weigh less than 100lbs if I am to be healthy. I am 4'5" and I weigh about 115 give or take a few lbs. My mom's idea of eating healthy is eating everything steamed and no salt. I cant stand not having salt in my food. I have gained some weight since I moved out here mainly because I eat out a lot.


Also, is 115lbs a healthy weight for a 4'5" woman?


Those of you on here who are female and single, how do you guys keep healthy, cooking healthy, eating healthy? I am piss poor when it comes to cooking. I eat out most of the time because I have no idea what to cook.


Any ideas or tips on eating healthy as a single person? I do eat salads when I can, but that gets tiring too.

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i always love to throw some lipton ready to make soup on the stove and throw some baby carrots and celery chopped up in. or if you have a steamer, or even a pot with a lid, boil some water on the stove, throw some brocolli or cauliflower in there, cook it for approximately 10-15 minutes, drain the water out while keeping the veegtable in the hot pot, put a little butter and salt and pepper in there, pour onto a dish, and voila.

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I am single, live alone...and eating at home is hard. Just today I cooked a bunch of food for the week and froze some and just made things that are easy to throw together.

I do things like lowfat quiches...oatmeal bars...salads...make my own pita chips by baking pitas lightly brushed with oil and garlic in the oven...and then premake salad mixtures with vegetables so all i have to do is add dressing. Also couscous and lentils are easy and quick.

Thats what I do...but that might sound boring. Spices and variety of vegetables add alot.

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Hi there renaissancewoman

If you want an idea of what your weight ideally should be, you could try working out your Body Mass Index (or BMI). A quick search found this calculator...

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However, I think the figures are a bit pedantic. I really see no problem with your weight for someone of your height. Good luck with the cooking!

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I am a guy and don't know how to cook very well. I can definitely tell you how to eat healthy, if you don't mind being routine. For breakfast eat cereal with soy milk. I like Fiberone because it has a lot of fiber and is pretty healthy. You can't go wrong with chicken breasts. I cook them the night before with some seasoning and bring them to work. You can buy frozen vegetables and put them in a bag and let them thaw out during the day. An apple is a great and filling snack and you can make a salad with chicken for dinner. If you eat five small meals through out the day, then you will be full and consume low calories. Eat lots of protein and you will be fine. If you cook your food, then you can track calories. Going to Taco Bell will pack it on. Good luck.

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