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What shoud I do with my life?


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Hey enotaloners, recently I've been really confused. For the past few months I have been reading lots of self-help books etc. I was making goals and lists of things I wanted to achieve in life; things like getting a good job, becoming a more social person, travelling etc. Now, the past weekend I've just been alone thinking about my life a lot. I'm not sure I want to do any of them things anymore. I was depressed for a while but then I decided to work on all my faults etc. I started becoming more social, planning out things I wanted to do etc.


Now the only thing I think I really want is to meet someone special, fall in love and be happy. I don't really care about the rest. The problem is you can't get better at falling in love. It just happens. So I can't do anything about it, I just need to wait and hope it happens someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe in 20 years. The problem is I don't know what to do with my time while I'm waiting for that to happen.


I feel like a little kid trapped in an 18 year olds body. My life is just passing me by, and by the time I figure out what I want out of life it will be too late.


I'm looking for people older than me to tell me how they figured out what they want out of life. I'm just scared of ending up like my parents, having not done much except work all their lives.


When I first started thinking about what I am doing with my life, I thought I need some hobbies or something. Now, I don't care. I tried some things but never stuck at them, I just wasn't passionate enough about them. I think it's more than just the little things in life I'm worried about. It's my whole life.


I know I'm going to end up, finishing university, getting a job, getting married (maybe) etc

I don't even know if that's what I want. I used to think it was.


I need to get my life on track, but I don't know where I'm going.



Any advice?




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It is very impressive that you have read all of those books and that you are concerned about your future. It is pretty hard to plan life and you just need to make good choices and go with the flow. You will not know what you like or what you want until you experience more. Most of us sort of fall into our careers. Unfortunately, most of your life is spent working so I would try to figure out what you want to do and what will make you happy. The relationship thing will definitely fall into place. I don't blame you for worrying, but it sounds like you are very sharp and proactive. Try not to worry too much about the future and focus on the present. If you are going to college, then just work hard and learn as much as possible. I am 37 years old and am learning that there really is not much stability in life. I am worrying less about the future and just trying to get by today. I am sure that you will find something that you are passionate about. You are so young and it is hard to know what you like or want, when you have not tried a lot of things. I am sure you will do great and be happy. It sounds like you are making an effort and that is great.

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What your feeling is normal for being 18. That is the mark everyone considers you a "real adult." Its a confusing time trying to figure what you want to do, where you want to go, etc. Dont give up on your dreams or your hopes. You have age on your side where you can take advantage of so many things.

The way your feeling hooking up with someone wouldnt supply you happiness. It will in a small way but there will always be a part of you that is unhappy and unfullfilled. I know if I could rewind time I would have backpacked accross Europe or hung out in Austrailia for a year or so. Now I have all the responsibilities of a 33 year old and things like that arent easy to come by anymore.

Don't focus on what you dont have, focus on what you could have or shall I say what you can have.

Good Luck,

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