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Jealous of a girl at work

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If you can't trust him with something that is going on in front of you, what about what goes on behind your back? If you have suspicions, you need to address them or find someone you can trust. Dating in the workplace in general is a bad idea because you are faced with these issues every day. Either he needs to respect your feelings about her behavior and try and discourage her or you need a new BF.



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BEWARE of office politics and gossip! Honestly ... I've yet to work in an office where there are not at least 30% of the general population who will demonstrate NO discretion, and will talk behind your back about whatever, with whomever, etc.


Just last week I spoke to a co-worker about something completely innocent, and of course, a couple of hours later had a manager ask me about "what I said". This may seem out of context, but the point I'm trying to make, is that some people are so tacky and desperate to impress others that they WILL USE the details of your life to make "juicy" conversation. Forget YOUR life -- they use ANYONE.


This is why dating in the workplace is a bad idea in most cases. If you already find it difficult to trust this guy (for whatever reason -- it doesn't matter where trust is concerned), then I don't see a bright and happy future for the two of you. Relationships that start off on suspicion and distrust DON'T work ... save yourself a lot of headaches and let this guy yap on the phone with office bimbo #1 as much as he likes. It's only your problem if you MAKE it your problem.

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If you have a problem, then you need to have a serious talk with the guy. Let him know precisely how you feel. But unless he gives you reason to distrust him, you need to take him at his word. That is an essential part of any successful and decent relationship, trust. Ignore what anyone else has to say or is doing. Focus on the two of you and the relationship you have.

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Do you have any unresolved trust issues? Could be that is what is triggering this and it may have nothing to do with the situation. Really examine your own feelings on this one and then decide if it is a problem with you or the relationship. If it is an issue with you, then you will be jealous in every relationship you ever encounter. If not, then you need to work on your relationship. I know it hurts...but it will hurt more if you don't address it. I have been there.



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