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I like my friend, but unsure how to tell her. She doesn't know I know she likes me.

Sam _

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To make things short. I have a crush on a friend of mine, Kristin. She knows I like her, but she doesn't know that I know she likes me. I want to tell her that I have a crush on her, but I'm not sure how.


I knew she liked me before our friend, Tabby, said anything to me mainly because of all the signals she has been sending out. So I don't sound cocky or anything I'll write them down:


*Every time we see each other she goes out of her way to hug me and tells me to walk with her

*Before school, during break, before and at lunch, and after school she always looks for me

*She laughs at all of my jokes and playfully hits me every now and then

*When we first met I asked her if she had a crush on anyone and she said yes. When I asked her if it was anyone I knew she said maybe. But when I asked who it was she told me that she isn't saying, playfully.

*A few days ago after school. She was about to get on the bus to go home and right after she hugged me she told me "I love you".

*Her entire schedule is basically her being in class and/or around me

*She complements me on my hair and told me once to "bring my pretty face" to her

*The little piece that links the chain of the necklace I wear always falls from behind my neck to where the little medallion falls. She always puts the link piece behind my neck. (she puts her arms around me while she does this) And quite a few times she mentioned that the link piece falling to the front means that someone close by is thinking about me.

*She is always by my side




Her parents don't allow her to date until she is 18. We are both 16, so dating is out of the question. But I want to tell her that I have a crush on her and that I like her a lot. Can I get a few ideas or ways I could tell her? I was thinking about telling her through a poem. But I don't know. A little help please?

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Well, the good thing is that the signs are strong. Another good thing is that because of this, you shouldn't be worried about just telling her. That's just what you have to do and see where things go from there...


I'm not exactly worried about telling her. I'm worried about how to tell her. I don't want to come accross as cocky or anything.


I forgot to mention another sign, she is always comparing me to her last boyfriend. Telling me how I am nicer and more patient and how much better I treat her than her last bf. (She even tells me how I treat her that makes me better than him)

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I'm not exactly worried about telling her. I'm worried about how to tell her. I don't want to come accross as cocky or anything.


I forgot to mention another sign, she is always comparing me to her last boyfriend. Telling me how I am nicer and more patient and how much better I treat her than her last bf. (She even tells me how I treat her that makes me better than him)


So, that means that she can date (since she did have a bf)?


Well, if you don't want to sound cocky, just simply be yourself... Not much else to it really.

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So, that means that she can date (since she did have a bf)?


Well, if you don't want to sound cocky, just simply be yourself... Not much else to it really.


Not really. Her parents never knew about him.



Well, myself never really tells to be honest. So I wouldn't really know how to tell her.

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jstu stick it out under the radar for 2 more years man


i would make a friggen wall count


I don't think I should wait for two more years. Because after a while she might end up thinking I am not interested and eventually loose interest in me herself.


What do you mean you would "make a friggin wall count"?


Well, I don't think it would be so bad to have a relationship and not date for a couple years. She doesn't think its bad either.

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Well, first off, i wouldn't be worried about the relationship thing if she had a boyfriend before. If she had one before I doubt she would have a problem with having one now, especially if you are way better. It sounds like she really likes you, I would just tell her that you like her. Try doing it when you are alone... at night if possible. Make it really sweet.


Basically, to summarize, tell you how you feel in a really sweet way, and if you are interested, it sounds like you could have a good relationship with her.

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Well, first off, i wouldn't be worried about the relationship thing if she had a boyfriend before. If she had one before I doubt she would have a problem with having one now, especially if you are way better. It sounds like she really likes you, I would just tell her that you like her. Try doing it when you are alone... at night if possible. Make it really sweet.


Basically, to summarize, tell you how you feel in a really sweet way, and if you are interested, it sounds like you could have a good relationship with her.


Okay. Thanks guys. I'm gonna tell her today in a couple hours. So, I'll let you all know what happened ^_^

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