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alright, i'm totally in love with this girl, and have been for a long time. thing is whenever im around her im either mean or shy. we talk a lot and were great friends and she loves seeing me, and i love seeing her, even though we each act like the other is nothing. its weird because i've never really been able to give her a compliment, even tho she's so great. anyone on the "outside" able to give me a bit council on this dilemma?


sorry everyone, but i just noticed I posted this in the wrong area

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well, i think you might want to tell her. you are 15 so give yourself some credit on thinking about a very important lesson; learning to show appreciation for someone else and opening yourself up to communicate with them those feelings. it's very hard, but now is a chance to learn that. if it helps, maybe you can write down what you said to us in letter form, open up the conversation with her about it. personally, if a boy told me that he knew i was great but had a hard time saying it, i would really appreciate that confession...

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