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The perfect girl for me

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There's this really cool girl at my high school and i have been searching the web to find out how to ask her out but to no sucess i have been walking arround think ing how to ask her out all day but can't find a way to get her to go out with me! I know for a fact she's single but, she hates people who call her a lesbian and i called her a lesbian as a joke you know friends kidding around buut i think she took it to seriously and if she did i'm F#%&*! and i really want her so can anyone help me.



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Step one: CALM DOWN.


Step two:

I called her a lesbian as a joke you know friends kidding around buut i think she took it to seriously and if she did i'm F#%&*!


Apologize to her for that.


Step three: Be her friend. Talk with her more. Find out more about the person she is, her interests, hobbies, etc.


Step four: After you find out more about her it will be easier to ask her out. It's best to ask her out in a way she will likely respond to- the internet can't provide you with general rules that work for everyone.


For example- if you find out from her that she likes movies, you could ask her to a movie.




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If you know a person doesn't like it when you do something, don't do it. Even if you don't mean any harm by it, it still hurts her. You don't want to hurt someone else, and that also lowers your chance of ever getting closer.


There is no special way to ask someone out. All the sites you research can't come up with something that guarantees a date. Instead, just be yourself. You have all the skills you will ever need. Talk to her, get to know her, be her friend. When you get closer and are ready, stay calm and just ask her out. It's not as hard as it seems.

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