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Broke up with Bf of 9 months....feel kinda bad

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Well I finally broke up with my Bf. I wasnt a jerk to him he was a jerk to me for 2 months. He started getting demanding and moody and made me buy things...etc.Well A couple weeks ago he called for a break, then a week after he tolde me he wants to wait in May so that wehen we graduate. Then I Found out that he was interesded in another girl when we are still kinda going out. that was a stab t". I tthen he told me he was going to do the same thing. He was happy for awhile but then now he seems kinda sad and I feel bad kinda. Wek my heart, him liking another girl. Today he found out that hshe likes him also. So I was talking to him and he was bitter and then was trying to blow off our plans, so i told him"its over". Well He took it weel for awhile and now he quiet around friends and now i feel bad.

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hmmm...how exactly was he a jerk? being moody, wanting you to buy im things? more details are needed.


as for him liking another girl, well, i have to say you broke up with him. he is free to do as he pleases now, and you can't expect him to wait forever if you want to get back.


i wouldnt feel too sorry he's sad. that's normal with a breakup. when you break up and start dating, you will always compare the new people to your ex. it's just a fact. he probably still misses you, but he was the one dumped based on your post. you have to decide what you want and then do it. i think if you want to end it, let it be ended. trying to reach out to him, console him, will only give him a false hope

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oh sorry, misread the post.


let me change my statements...

if there was a need for a break, and you guys were trying to work things out, and now he has interest in another. forget him

you did the right thing.

if he's sad well, he should have thought about that in the first place

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