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Help what does this mean????

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Ok well me and this guy have been real good friends for a long time! Like going on 5 yrs now! I've always lykd him and askd him out 2 yrs ago but he said no! I recently found out that he said no cuz i was unstable and he wanted me to get better and not focus on a releationship! But he actually did like me but i put that behind me cuz u know that was years ago but then i found out he was going to ask me out a lil while ago but as i kept talking bout other guyz..... But now he kisses me not alot and not every day but just sumtimes! I really like this guy does the kiss mean he likes me or is it just friendship????? Please help me i have had so many sleepless nyts cuz of him!

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Are they kisses on the lips? If so, I would have to say he does like you.


I think it's not so much about if he likes you, its if you like him. If you are losing sleep over him, I think that says you like him. So why not flirt with him? Or if you feel confident, ask him out. If he picks up that you are interested, he is likely to respond favorable and let you know he really likes you.

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If you have been friends for 5 years, that isn't something that should be able to be destroyed so easily. Even if he doesn't feel the same way, you can talk it over and be friends. It would be awkward and strange at first, but things would get easier and the friendship would survive. I've been in the place of trying to be friends with someone who knew I liked them. There was an awkward part at first when they didn't feel the same way, but we got through it and stayed friends. You can do the same.


But if he is kissing you on the lips alot, that would almost certainly say he likes you. I wouldn't be kissing a girl on the lips unless I really liked her. If it was on the cheek, I could think it was just being really friendly. But the lips is a personal space you don't go to unless you are interested in her as more then friends. Talk to him and go for it. It's ok to be nervous, but try to relax. Good luck.

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If you have been friends for 5 years, that isn't something that should be able to be destroyed so easily. Even if he doesn't feel the same way, you can talk it over and be friends. It would be awkward and strange at first, but things would get easier and the friendship would survive.


@shy soul..Yeah thats really true


@ Rozi! Me and my gf have known each other since 6 and a half years years..N if by any chance u get to read one of my oldest posts..I was exactly in a sittuation like yours.

Worried about losing the friendship.But i made up my mind and asked her out..Yes it wasnt the first time i did it..I had asked her out twice before this couple of years back..N now we into a relation ship..Been 4 months and things cant get better.


Reason y i shared my story is to prove to u that it does work out..But only if u dont give up!..I tried 3 times..Mayb u have to try only twice!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heyz Babe,


This is my first post on this website so I thought I'd post on my besties one. Aww you and Pumpkin..... wasn't that a cute relationship..... he he he we've got pictures of you two kissing lolz ... anywho I'm going to look around!!!


Cya Babe Luv Ya Lotz!!!



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