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How's going your Valentine Day?

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Overall, it was a good day. definitely thought of my ex...but i think cause i knew where he was and that he was alone and not with HER i felt better....not that it makes any difference...but thankfully i was really busy at work - no crying though! a little teary-eyed driving home from work...but since then, all smiles


I've been listening to Keith Urban...something about country music that i love, the lyrics can be depressing, but the music itself is upbeat, it's hopeful - that i will meet someone new, and i have so much to look forward to, i don't want to keep looking back anymore -


when the going gets tough - the tough get going! better believe it.

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A part of me has felt sad this day as well, remembering the pain a girl recently made me feel. Valentines can make you feel that way, alone and sad. But don't let it get you down. Look to the love of family and friends. Do something for yourself, to say that you still love you. Its only a depressing day if we make it one. So try to make it better.


And I should say that despite that little bit of sadness, a dear friend helped to make this day better then I could ever have hoped for.

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Well, tons and tons of girls with gifts. But I dunno, it was pretty much a common day to me... And surprisingly, I didn't feel bad at all. In fact, I've felt great all day unlike the last couple of years before when I felt like crap, even though I tried hard not to... This time was different, and heck, even throughout the day, I kept wondering why I didn't feel even slightly depressed. I mean, maybe it's because at least I have friends, and stuff. I dunno. I don't care about gifts anyway. I mean, sure it's sweet, and stuff, but one starts to get the vibe that's it's all planned by big companies, and lol, you know all that conspiracy crap. I'm not saying it's what it's all about, but maybe there's a shred of truth there... they're watching us

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