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Please Give Advice, women especially, please read!!!!

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Sorry so long, but,

My girlfriend and I have been trying to be friends and we have been talking about alot of things. Sun night I called her and told her that I had totally lost faith in any chance of ever reconciling. She asked me "then why are we even doing this?" I then said that she would know when she lost me and that I would still marry her tomorrow. We had a great conversation after that and we were hanging out what was to be thurs but instead she asked if we could hang out on mon. I said ok! I went to her house and when i got there, we immediately went to her beedrom and made out and other things. We went out to dinner after that and she said during the course of it that if it weren't for her sexuality issues

I said that was fine, whatever she needed to do to find herself. I said I wanted to be a true friend. We went to the movies after that and i kissed her and she wiped them off of her face and pulled her hands away when i tried to hold them. I decided to take a stand then, after the movie, i took her outside where no one could listen and said you have no right to treat me like shit, no right to wipe off kisses that meant so much, i said that if anything ever happened like that again that i would never hang out with her anymore and that if she didnt believe me, then try it again, i dared her.

She then said "fine, we will never talk again." I started to walk away and then she started making excuses saying that my face was sweaty and that, she didn't realize it. We didnt talk the whole way home and when i got out, i said "you just dont have the right to be mean to me, we are trying to be friends, i would do that to any friend, wished her a safe trip home then left.

We talked later that night and she said that everytime i am angry that she really hates me. I told her that i just felt that i should stand up for myself.

I said we were on a good path with friendship, she agreed and said that everything was fine. Tonight i call her and she tells me that she ws so angry about me getting mad on mon that she booked an interview with a local outcall agancy and that she was going to be a dominatrix, she also informed me that she had a date with a girl this fri night. she says she wants to be friends and that she wants to be intimate with me but that she doesn't want to be if it hurts me. she says it will be interesting how we turn out and was surprised with even all of that, i wished her well on her date and with her interview. i love her so much, she is tring to find herself right now, but will not let me go, does she need a wake up call? oblivously, yes!

how? is all hope lost? she always calls me when i call her, we talk for hours when we do talk, even this bad conversation was a 2 1/2 hour talk.

i know she knows that i am wrapped around her finger, i told her she loves me, she niether claimed to or deny it. she said she would be open to an "open relationship", she just said there were too many feelings involved now and that she didnt know if she could do that. i have been wanting us to be together for awhile, i came back to her on May 1. We have been going back and forth every night for almost 3 months. do i just ignore her for now? does she appreciate the true friendship i am offering, is there even a chance, any and all advice would be so appreciated! She is 23 years old and I am 30.

Thanks and God Bless!

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I think she's swingin u along as a lifeline, something to fall back on. She's seems to be using u. She's young and her feelings are changing. I dont kno if she really does appreciate the relationship u are giving her. U still keep giving her all your heart, adn she is rejecting it, and most of all she is showing u that she is rejecting it. I'd say if u have the will power to ignore her for now, go for it. Let her come crawling back to you this time. Then you both will realize if she appreciates the friendship. She seems like she is in control of the situation, for once put her outta that control. Good luck and be strong.

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you need to stop... you taking value off yourself and not giving yourself value...this gurl is playing wit you and you letting her...you need to stop dating her and going out wit her. it seems to me like she only wants you for intimacy she is confused, forget tat finding herself b.s...she is not sure what sex she preffers and in case her "im looking for myself" fails shell have you to fall back on... she has you around her pinky and does as she pleases wit you...you need to find a bangin,STABLE, gurl tat dont give you so much stress. she dont love you or care for you, cause if she did she wont be putting you thu all this...she realizes this is hurting you but still does it...im telling you.... she wasting your time ...value yourself and respect yourself and let her go...dont have any contact wit her...you cannot be her friend cause shell try to get on you...she wants to hurt you by telling you tat she going out wit this gurl friday and lettign you know bout her dates... find someone stable and not confused and tat values you as a man and respects you...forget abot tat gurl

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