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Can 2 cheaters work it out?


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To make a long story short....I've been with my boyfriend for about a year and a half now. Our relationship started when we both cheated on our bf and gf to be with each other. He cheated on me, then I cheated on him, then he cheated on me again. We're really trying to work all of this out. Do you think it can work? Or will we just end up cheating on each other again? I feel in my heart that he wants to be faithful and I do too. What do you think I should do?

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I hate to say it, but I don't think this is going to work. You both seem to need to make a real decision not to cheat again, and because your relationship itself was founded on cheating, and has featured more cheating after that ... I think you both need to figure out what inside you makes you want to cheat and get past that, but this relationship probably isn't going to be the context for that at this stage.

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If you feel like he is the one...we must remember relationships are also about learning...there is a chance i suppose that you can help eachother, learn and grow stronger...or...have an open relationship or take a break and see if the time apart clears some stuff up for you...spending time away is healthy sometimes

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