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Good Pickup Lines?

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Does anyone know of any good approaching pick up lines?

When im walking through the mall or something and i see

this really cute girl what do i do and how do i start a convo

with her. Anyone know of any good lines that always work

please help....thanks!

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Okay here's one that has always worked for me, it might take some time to master it. Just think of it this way, it's an artform. Just walk up to her and say "Hi, I'm [Enter Name]... What's yours?" Now that is the easy part... Now comes the tricky part, where it says [Enter Name] you say your name to her.. Try it!




**Bad pick-up lines are a turn off... And no one will take you serious.**

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The best "lines" arent lines when you say them. They may get a smile,or start a conversation. Then its up to you to, in my experience make them laugh!

I know some real bombers too: God must be very angry...She says why cause he's missing an angel! or you must have a cow..she says why? cause milk does the body good! or say Jeez i seem to have lost my phone number...can i have yours? These are all losers and ive seen guys try them..please unless shes 11 years old you will surely get the eye roll.

Be confident, direct and look her in the eyes when you speak,,,thats the only pick up information i could share. Make them laugh..


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heres a funny one you might want to try...i havent but here.


ask her "how much does a polar bear weigh?"

she says "how much?"

you say "just enough to break the ice" and then you introduce yourself.


now if you use that on any girl that is worth it, she'll probably laugh at it, and shell think you have a good sense of humor. that is if she hasnt heard that one yet. good luck

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pick-up lines are good for fun...... but don't expect it to work..... at all. However, if the girl has a sense of humor, and you don't say the line like an ass, she might just go with it and start talking to you. However, its hard to tell if someone has a sense of humor when you've never talked to them before.... You're better off just using the default pick-up line of introducing yourself.

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  • 2 months later...

omg! You guys are really funny!! But I will tell you the best way to get a girl to talk to you. Really, just talk to her like you dont really care about getting into her pants (saying all of the above pick-up lines makes it sound like that)! Just say, hey how are ya? And look to see if she has or is wearing something you can talk about. Like a bag from a store. Say, hey do you like {whatever store}? And just go from there. Talk to her like you do kinda know her already. Then you can start asking the more persnoal questions like what school does she go to, does she live in town, anything!! By the end of the conversation, you will get the feeling if you have a chances or not. Then ask her if she has a e*mail addy or even try for the cell phone number. Just dont act like a complete idiot #-o and you'll do fine...hope this helps ya out!!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Okay here's one that has always worked for me, it might take some time to master it. Just think of it this way, it's an artform. Just walk up to her and say "Hi, I'm [Enter Name]... What's yours?" Now that is the easy part... Now comes the tricky part, where it says [Enter Name] you say your name to her.. Try it!




**Bad pick-up lines are a turn off... And no one will take you serious.**



j-boe, that's some good advice. tomorrow I'm going to use that approach at the shopping centre. I need to approach more girls because at the moment I get so nervous introducing myself to girls.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pick up lines are out just be urself..i dont know what kinda guy u are and if u talkin bout like gettin there number or actually gettin to know them and maybe bein a little somethin buy PICK UP LINES ARE A NO NO the girl will look at u and laugh or just walk away believe im a girl and ide laugh..the trick to approaching is eye contact i dont know how hard i can stress this but eye contact and body language n just start a lil small talk like hey how are u today or Your face looks so familiar do i know u from somewhere and compliments !!! compliment the girl like when u get into the conversation be like those shoes or that shirt or ur hair style i really feelin it or it fits ur personality or something u know..

love ya gurl


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