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Hi. I'm shy too and only had my first kiss a few months ago, so I know how nervewracking and scary it is. First thing is to relax. Kissing really is natural once you get into it and manage to calm the nerves down. You'll know what to do pretty quickly. You both like each other, right? So you have nothing to worry about, you'll enjoy it. And since neither of you has kissed, you won't have to think about being compared to another person or living up to expectations. You are both going through the same nervousness, which can make it easier on you since you know the other person feels the same as you.


So, what do you do? When you are together, just relax and have fun. There generally comes a moment where you are looking at each other and you can just feel that you want to kiss each other. So stop thinking about it, and just do it. Don't think about anything, don't worry about it, just go with your feelings, live in the moment, and enjoy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah that is how I was scared about it. It took me months to finally kiss my girlfriend as well because of the thoughts about it. If you just start out with a small one and then you will get your butterflies out and it will lead to bigger kisses. After a small little kiss you will be fine and want to do it again. Don't think about it and just do it. That's what I had to do I would double think it and I never would do it. After that I just said I'm doing this and went for it and he is probably the same way. He probably wants to kiss you as well and is just scared because you guys have never done it before.

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i kissed my boyfriend first because he was too nervous to kiss me. granted, the time was right, and i didn't just go plant one on him when he wasn't expecting it. maybe, if he drops you off somewhere hug him and go to kiss him on the cheek but aim a little lower and his the corner of his mouth. just an idea. or start small and just the cheek. maybe he's not sure whether you want to be kissed. that's a way of letting him know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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