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What should I do...

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Hi, I've been with my gf for 6 months - we recently had an issue where she said that I didn't stand up for myself enough when I was with her, was somewhat needy of her and didn't express enough opinions - basically trying to please her too much but ending up annoying her.


Obviously this is not that good and although I'm fairly easy going anyway, she has a point. So here's the dilemma - this weekend I may have the chance to spend some quality time with her (which is a rarity). However, I'd originally half planned to visit some friends. What should I do - spend time with her, taking the risk that she'll think I'll change my plans at a whim or visit my friends?


Basically should I be a bit more of a challenge with her or just be myself - a dilemma which I'm having at the moment...



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Hi jimpster


Telling someone they should be more assertive is to put them in a double-bind - it's like putting a sign up that says: DON'T READ THIS


Isn't it also somewhat ironic that you are now asking someone on the net to advise you on what to do?


The most important question is: What do you want to do?


Trying to second guess what your g/f wants is just repeating the status-quo.


Think about what would make you the happiest, and just do it.


If anyone questions you, you can honestly say: "I'm here because that's where I want to be".


If you search the net you will find advice on Assertive Behaviour.


The first step is knowing what you want.

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