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Why do fat guys always go for the shorter girls?

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Hi darlings! I have this weird question to ask. Every where I see I see little short girls with bigger taller guys. I'm a bigger girl and I want to be with a bigger guy but they only all seem to go for the tiny girls..lol. I know that it's who your attracted to but I have this one friend who only goes for the shorties. Any opioions are welcome!!

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Well, when I come to think of it, the couples I know where the lady is a bigger woman, the man is bigger but also not that tall... I don't know if I can really generalize this! I think many men like bigger galls, but as a woman I wouldn't be able to tell ya!


Don't worry!



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I know what you're talking about.


For me the problem is height. I read in cosmo, that women are naturally attracted to men 2 inches taller on avg and the same for men, reversed.


I always see the really tall guys go for the really short girls.


I don't know why!

I'm almost 5'11" and my boyfriend is 6'0. He is taller than me but he's about the tallest guy I've dated. When I wear any heel I'm always taller- and I love my shoes.


All of my shorter girlfriends have boyfriends that are 6'2+. I just don't get it. I love being tall and I think most taller guys like taller girls- or so I hear from my guy friends, but to no avail.


I love my boyfriend and his height is perfect for me, but it always bothered me in the past, so I know what you mean

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That is odd. I am a guy with a height of 6'2'', and oddly enough I have had three girlfriends before who were a lot shorter than me. I didnt do this intentionally, of course, it just happened that way. However, I was with a girl that was 5'10'' or so, and I liked that better.

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darkpumpkin -


I'm about 6' and my girlfriend is about 5' 3". I like that, I don't know exactly why, but somehow to me, short is sexy, more fragile, more feminine, even though that doesn't make much sense. I like blue eyes but my girl friends eyes are brown, go figure?


I don't know, they say guys look for their mothers and women look for their dads. My mom was kind of short. I can't picture marrying her but maybe that's where it comes from.


Plenty of taller girls have turned my head as well over the years, I was married to one for many years. She was a lot better at lifting the other end of a canoe and I don't remember ever thinking I wished I had married someone short. She didn't have blue eyes either.


Bottom line is I don't know how I end up with the people I have and although I may have certain preferences, that hasn't dictated who I've ended up with. I want someone kind, honest and caring.


How's that for a clear answer?

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yeah I'm a short person as well around 5"3'-4 and I like shorter girls n it pisses me off when taller guys go for shorter girls! cuz I'd like the girl that I'm dating to be around my height lol but yeah other than that, I think short girls are "sexy, more fragile, more feminine" as ratherbesailing said.. I don't know why either, it just feels that way. After all I don't wanna look up to the girl that I'm dating

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Before I got married I would get a lot of attention from tall men some of whom were up to 6'5 inches tall! (I am 4'8 . I always wondered why taller men would always go for me rather than my shorter counterparts - it would stand to reason wouldn't it?

I asked one of the taller guys I dated why this was and his response was 'you're so tiny, petite and pretty we just want to look after you' but surely a shorter guy would be able to 'look after' a shorty such as I with so significant problems?

I eventually ended up marrying a lovely short guy (5'1) and don't think I could date a tall guy ever again as I love the fact that we are around the same height and I don't have to stand on a chair to kiss him lol.

Well at least there is one short girl you don't have to wrry about stealing all the big guys away eh?

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I'm 5'4" and my boyfriend is 6'2" (but not "fat", he is pretty slim/athletic like me).


I actually always preferred men closer to my height...either just above me or up to 5'10". Preferred to not crane my neck up and just was not attracted to those whom were much taller.


Then I met my boyfriend, and that went out the window entirely.


The funny thing was he had decided he did not really want to date anyone under 5'6" as that was HIS preference. But...again, out the window!


And now, it's great...I love how he can curl up all around me, and his arms are really long to give me huge wraparound hugs, or he can rest his chin on the top of my head while we are in the elevator......we just fit together, and I never would of known we would if I was restrictive in my preferences, neither would he have!

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I've never had a certain physical "type" that I consistently date. My current boyfriend is about 5"10 or 5"11, but as I'm only 5"4, I still feel much shorter. I've dated much taller guys and always feel embarrassed they have to stoop so low to kiss me, lol.


At the end of the day, it's the mental connection that is going to be the most important thing for me - not a physical type. Although I do generally prefer someone who is at least healthy and somewhat active.

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And now, it's great...I love how he can curl up all around me, and his arms are really long to give me huge wraparound hugs, or he can rest his chin on the top of my head while we are in the elevator......we just fit together, and I never would of known we would if I was restrictive in my preferences, neither would he have!
My BF does that too hehe. My boyfriend is tall, slim and athletic. I'm short and a plus size... might look slightly odd to on lookers especially when you add the fact I'm white and he's Indian.
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