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Surgical vs. Medical abortion


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Okay, I'm really looking for someone with PERSONAL experience from these procedures because I have read PLENTY of info on websites about the differences of the two.

In utah (which is where Im from) they don't put you to sleep for surgical but they do numb your cervix. Has anyone had it done this way before? If so, was it painful and uncomfortable?

what's your experiences with Medical abortions? (abortion by the pill)

I have heard some stories of such excruciating cramping that it's scared me away from that option but if you guys have any personal experiences from either that you can share, I'd appreciate it.

abortion has not been my final decision but I am still trying to explore all of my options...I have become very educated on a ton of things but have not had a chance to talk to many people about their personal experiences.

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I really would have abortion as a last resort kind of thing. Trust me I've talked to several women who had abortions, and the majority of them deeply regret it, because sooner or later, they realize what they have done. Please, try alternatives before you try abortion. You will regret it.

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I haven't had it done, but I assume it would be uncomfortable but not severely painful. I too have heard that the cramping and pain from medicinal abortion is drastic.


If you have considered everything and are going through with it anyway, then maybe talk to the doctor/surgeon about your concerns and maybe they can give you gas or something? I'm sure they could give you something if you are frightened that would relax you enough that you wouldn't be panicking.


I would also like to add that many women who have an abortion do come out of it rather upset and confused about the whole ordeal. It isn't good for you physically, nor mentally. Do look into it a bit more if you can, or if you have already, God bless.

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Okay, I'm really looking for someone with PERSONAL experience from these procedures because I have read PLENTY of info on websites about the differences of the two.

In utah (which is where Im from) they don't put you to sleep for surgical but they do numb your cervix. Has anyone had it done this way before? If so, was it painful and uncomfortable?

what's your experiences with Medical abortions? (abortion by the pill)

I have heard some stories of such excruciating cramping that it's scared me away from that option but if you guys have any personal experiences from either that you can share, I'd appreciate it.

abortion has not been my final decision but I am still trying to explore all of my options...I have become very educated on a ton of things but have not had a chance to talk to many people about their personal experiences.


For the surgical method they may also give you some mild but effective sedatives to relax you. Some people will fall asleep during this just due to being relaxed, but most will be conscious but rather "dazed" - however still aware of their surroundings. It's not painful, however you are often conscious and KNOW what is going on, which can be rather traumatizing in itself. There are sounds that are unpleasant as well. It may be uncomfortable, just like when you go for a pap smear. Before they do that method, the day before they will insert a device to open your cervix up which can cause cramping and pain as well. Once they have done this, you can't go back on it generally as it would cause a miscarriage.


The medical induced abortions are definitely going to cause pain and cramping, as they are inducing a miscarriage. And miscarriages even when natural are painful due to the cramping and expelling of tissue through the cervix. This can also be very traumatizing for many women, and again there is no going back at this point.


Have you talked to your fiance about it yet?


Truly take your time, I really REALLY advise you talk to a counsellor BEFOREHAND, because abortion is indeed a decision that you cannot reverse, and when it's "over" it's really not "over". The women I know whom have done it, only do NOT regret it when they have really thought about it thoroughly, or it was due to medical reasons. However, even they still wonder "what if" and have regrets. It is quite common to suffer from depression or other issues afterwards, and when in a relationship whether both wanted it, or one wanted, it causes tremendous stress on a couple (more so even when one did not want it or one felt they had to do it..). Some of them only start to regret it later, as they realize what it truly means, or as they have their own children...or find they CAN'T have their own children. So you need to SERIOUSLY be truly ready.


There are also other medical risks that need to be considered.

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Just want to redress the balance a little - although i havent had personal experience of this i have one friend who had an abortion and one who kept the baby. every single person is in a different situation and there is absolutely nothing wrong with abortion if and when the time is right for it. I think it would be a whole lot more traumatic to go through with the pregnancy and have the baby adopted. I know this is an awfully big decision but at least it would be final and you could move on with your life - if you had the baby adopted, you'd spend the rest of your life waiting for that knock on the door. My other friend now has a 3 year old who is gorgeous but she has missed out on a lot that the rest of us have had (inc the one who had the abortion - she had a surgical procedure and reporting discomfort rather than pain.) I truly wish you all the best - only you and your partner can make this decision and all the options are equally valuable.

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You seem to be dragging your heels and you need to make up your mind. That baby inside you is growing every day and as far as I am concerned, the sooner the better if your going to choose abortion. The longer if goes on, the deeper the emotions and the longer you will grieve it's loss, the remorse will last a lifetime as it is.

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I understand where you are coming from. My only advice to you is do what YOUR heart tells you to. (not your boyfriends). It's something that you will probably deeply regret when its over. Infact, I have heard of post tramatic stress disorder due to this operation. I would be very concerned if you decided to do this. I would consider having the child and perhaps adoption if you feel you can not raise a child.



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not let the baby father force you into anything. It is such a life changing experience. You need to listen to yourself.

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I have had more than one abortion. On one I was put to sleep. I do not remember much except crying all the way home for the 1 1/2 hour drive and having a hard time getting over the anesthesia. On one I was given a mild sedative and local anesthetic. I do vividly remember the sounds of the suction and the machines. It was a little uncomfortable but walked out aware and only slightly tired. There is some cramping with either way you go so be prepared. They do give you medicine for it though. There was never a device put in the day before either.


That being said, do I regret my decisions? It's hard. I don't regret anything in my life because it has brought me to where I am today and who I am today. Do I wonder the "what if's"? sure. I know the decisions I made at the time were the right ones for me then. I was faced with another unexpected pregnancy 7 years ago and could not bring myself to do it again. I now have a beautiful, smart, wonderful son. The timing was right and I was ready to be a parent. Even though I am 40 and very successful in business the hardest thing I've ever done is parenting. It will strain any strong relationship and requires complete and total commitment for the rest of your life.


Also, I found out I was adopted. I know that my biological mother made the most selfless decision that can ever be made. She knew she could not raise me in the way that was right and allowed me to be with parents that were loving and more wonderful than any of my friends who grew up with their biological parents. Which was also a risk, I have friends that are adopted that are not with wonderful parents and they could not find me a home and was not adopted til I was six months old.


Noone knows your heart better than you -- and God. Pray a lot! Whatever decision you make will be with you the rest of your life, there's not getting around it. Don't let ANYONE pressure you into this decision either way. It's such a tough decision; morally, emotionally, ethically and physically. Physically, however, is the easiest part. Good luck and God bless.

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I am adopted, and i am very thankful for my biological mother to have given birth, for i would not be here today. I always thought i was pro-life - because i was given that chance, and i would never do that.


In college, I had a one night stand, found out i was pregnant. I had an abortion - only I didn't know i was pregnant until a little bit further along, so it was even harder, but I had an abortion. It was very hard for me, especially because of my history of being given the chance to live. But to be in the situation, i really thought about it and i had changed my mind, i had to have an abortion - for many reasons. it was very emotional, the procedure was quick, i was put asleep though, but i woke up and i continued on with my life.


Not a day goes by that i don't think about it, but i have to move on and live with it forever - and i have told only a select few people that i know what i have done b/c i am ashamed, but they also do not know what it is like to have to deal with such a diffucult decision.


as adideas has put it - no one knows your heart better than you - it's completely your choice.

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There was never a device put in the day before either.




Whether they use "devices" or not the day before depends on the type of abortion, and generally how far along you are in the pregnancy, as well as it depends on your doctor's practice and procedure. Usually after 12 weeks they need to expand the cervix to be able to ensure proper use of equipment and that they remove everything. The longer heavensent would wait, the more likely she would have to use the devices:




First one describes procedure not using them, second one does.


IPAS Syringe - Early Abortion with Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA):

As soon as the pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound (typically 4-5 weeks), an abortion can be performed using a manual aspiration device called the IPAS Syringe. Similar to the suction aspiration procedure, the IPAS system consists of thin flexible tubing, but instead of using a machine to create suction, the suction is created by a handheld syringe. The procedure usually takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Aftercare is the same as with suction aspiration. Availability of this procedure is based upon doctor's discretion.


D & E (Dilate and Evacuate)

From 13 to 24 weeks, FWHC uses the Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) procedure. Appointments are made for 2-3 consecutive days. On the first day, an ultrasound (sonogram) is performed to determine the size of the fetus. Then, the abortion procedure is begun by numbing the cervix with injections and inserting dilators into the cervix. Overnight these dilators gently expand, opening the entrance to the uterus. The next day, the cervix is again numbed, the dilators are removed, and the doctor uses special instruments to evacuate the uterus removing the pregnancy. The final step is suction using the aspirating machine. In more advanced pregnancies, additional dilators are inserted on the second day and the fetus is removed on the third day. The medical procedure lasts about 10-15 minutes.

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In the UK, you have the same choices. From what I understand, medical abortions are painful and involve two trips to the clinic, and can sometimes lead to extensive bleeding after the abortion has taken place. The suction method is quicker (involves one trip followed by a check up a few weeks later), but can also involve post-operative bleeding. There's no easy way to decide.


I'm not favouring one over the other, it all depends on what you prefer. For some women, they don't like the idea of a suction method, whereas some others don't like the fact that they will have to return for another pill. Good luck in making your decision - I don't know how far along you are, but in the UK there's a cut-off date for medical abortions, and I suspect the same is in the US, so if you'd prefer that method I'd get it done sooner rather than later.

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locolady it is a complete joke to say that abortion is final and you move on with your life. It is the opposite. Abortion destroys your life. I had a termination, it was excruciatingly painful and i had to be rehospitalized afterwards with a major infection which means I may now never have children again due to the damage caused. I was in agony for weeks but that was like a feather compared to the emotional complete hell that followed and obviously tried to kill myself afterwards. I was that upset that I forgot that I had taken all those pills until an hour later when I was rushed to hospital. That was the beginning of a life of utter hell. People that consider abortion simply have not got a clue what I they are getting themselves into. I wish to God that someone warned me. People are so careful not to step on others toes with this issue well I am not judging anyone but I would warn you please don't do this. It is not the easy way out it is a nightmare to awake with your body a living tomb. Anyone that plays this down that doing this is okay is utterly deranged.

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