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For everyone on here that hopes for karma to make them feel better, you will love this.


My ex left me in April of 2005 after almost 12 years together. Out of nowhere she had just said that she "wanted to be alone", she would not elaborate on whatever she was viewing as a problem, which I guess was me. I and my entire family had cared for this woman and treated her with love and respect that it seems every woman is looking for. We trusted her fully.


Shortly after we separated (I lived with my brother for 2 months) she was a mean, viscious and callous Bi**h, would say terrible things, one in particular was that "she wants someone better". I have not seen her since August, when in her craziness she tried threatening me with a restraining order. Heres the best part, I just seen her, she has put on about 40 pounds, looks like hell on earth and was whining at me about how she has been treated so terribly by everyone and that I am the best. I know I am bitter, and I do find this funny because it seems rampant amongst about 97% of the female population. They get what they (alledgedly) are looking for, then they have to find something better. Seems that most feel this is their prerogative. Anyhow, I thought this may cheer up some guys, I felt like hell myself until I seen her, thought I had done something wrong, strange how things come around. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY

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hey pete137,


was really looking forward to reading this and feeling really happy for you, UNTIL i read this bit:


I know I am bitter, and I do find this funny because it seems rampant amongst about 97% of the female population. They get what they (alledgedly) are looking for, then they have to find something better. Seems that most feel this is their prerogative. Anyhow, I thought this may cheer up some guys


yes, you are bitter!! please don't make such sweeping generalisations about women. you are talking from your own limited experience, it is NOT a fact!! you certainly couldn't include me and the women i know in what you say, which is more than the 3% you don't mention.


what about an example of karma to cheer up the 'girls'? i hope my exbf gets a lifetime's worth!!!

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Another thing, One of her "girls" , of whom I suspect of putting the idea of "someone better" in her head was recently nearly beaten and strangled to death by her newfound "love of her life"

I can still hear myself telling my ex that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

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I know I am bitter, and I do find this funny because it seems rampant amongst about 97% of the female population. They get what they (alledgedly) are looking for, then they have to find something better. Seems that most feel this is their prerogative.


First off I wanted to say that I am happy for you that your able see karma in action first hand. That's something to make anyone happy to see their ex not happy.


Second, I have to stop you right there with the generalization you made about women. Not all women are like this just like not all women cheat and lie. I would say that some women are like that sure and just realize that there are men out there like this too. Please watch your generalizations here because the original focus of your post will be lost to debate about your statement.

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Hi Pete!


I am sorry about everything you have been through and glad to see you are doing much better but I am with lgirl on this one. It irks me to see generalizations on this board or at all for that matter. Men are just as guilty for doing what your ex did to you. You just have to learn from your mistakes in the past and be more cautious about whom you let in your heart next time.


I hope you continue to get better and persevere and just realize that there are good women out there, more than 3% . Hang in there and take care.

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hey pete


well i am veryyyyyyyyy glad you are getting to see her in this light. she deserves whatever she sowed. she was awful to you despite how nice you'd been and she had to learn the hard way that not ever guy out there will treat her as nicely as you did. i hope you end up finding someone that treats you right and respects you.


try and see that ...yeah...youre a one in a million guy and that she was lucky to have met someone as decent as you. not all guys are as great as you. and i KNOOOW there are also a lot of awful, gold digging, heartless females out there. but like you...not all females are awful creatures.


so try not to lose hope. i also used to feel that all guys were complete jerks. but i have found out there are a few guys out there with a good, decent heart and im fortunate enough to be dating one. i surely dont take advantage of that and know i have a great guy and treat him as such. soooooooo there are other females out there that will realize how great you are.


dont lose hope on all of us!

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FEMINAZIS, knew they would be the first to attack. Check into who is the first to initiate divorce proceedings the overwhelming preponderance of the time. I suppose that is because all the men did terrible things.

As a matter of interest I got 3 percent going by people I know. Of 22 couples, 20 have divorced with the woman initiating the divorce 17 of the 20 times. Take that as you will, I know it is not "scientific". These couples are of assorted races and socioeconomic backgrrounds.

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FEMINAZIS, knew they would be the first to attack.


Where are there Feminazis? I have not seen anyone attack you in anyway. I know your mad at the female sex but, not all women deserve to be attacked like this either. How would you like it is someone posted a generalization that all men are fascist pigs? Please again I ask you to watch your generalization of the opposite sex. There is really no need for any hostilities on this site as we are all compassionate people here.

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pete137, I am very sure you don't know 97% of the female population in the world, much less had a r/shp with all of them, so pls don't talk as though you do!!


what's with the Feminazis? that's just a TAD hostile! not to mention what you said about yr friend's ex being beaten up. why so passive-aggressive? other MEN have posted here to tell you your comments are unacceptable. keep your woman hating to yourself - this is a positive, supportive site where we all help each other regardless of gender - not one where people take pot shots at the opposite sex.


your negative attitude achieves nothing

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as previously said...too sensitive. I told you that I do not make such claim as to know all of them. I said the reasons that I have come to 3%. you are only reading what you want, not what I have written.


and if you had a friend whos husband ran off on her and he got the clap you would laugh, dont lie. thats the reason i said about her friend.

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as previously said...too sensitive. I told you that I do not make such claim as to know all of them. I said the reasons that I have come to 3%. you are only reading what you want, not what I have written.
we can't ALL have misread yr post! kindly show some consideration towards those more SENSITIVE than yourself, then.


and if you had a friend whos husband ran off on her and he got the clap you would laugh, dont lie. thats the reason i said about her friend.
you said her friend got beaten up. read your own words:


One of her "girls" , of whom I suspect of putting the idea of "someone better" in her head was recently nearly beaten and strangled to death by her newfound "love of her life"
is that funny? i don't see what there is to laugh about that.


what a shame your bitterness and hostility has ruined what could have been an entertaining post.

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I didn't read that part about the girl being nearly strangled to death. That's nothing to be glad about, and I don't think that qualifies as karma.


Don't be hateful, no one deserves that regardless of what they may have done to you (or might have done? Don't blame her friend, your ex is the one that broke it off).


That's not good to gloat about. Never gain happiness over someone else's misfortune. That's asking for a karmatic bite in the butt.


Be careful with regards to being happy over this one! It's ok to be happy about your ex having gained a few pounds but not about something that drastic!


Nevertheless, good for you...I think.

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