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like him, but to scared to move on.


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hey everyone.


well guess what, I actually found a guy! he seems really nice, his 25 his a lawyer, his Spanish, he lives in the city and seems really nice. We have been talking everyday.


This is the first time ive tried to, or thought about a relationship with a man, after trying to deal with the 'rape'


The thing is, today I got really concerned about him because he wasn't happy at work, and was being treated badly by his co-workers. I then realised that ive gotten to close to him, close enough to actually care. I know that sounds horrible, but I don't want to get to attached just so I don't get hurt if it doesn't work…


I guess what im asking is, should I give this a try, should I learn to trust another man??


I think about him a lot, and I don't like the idea of that, we sms each other all the time, and I hate the idea of me always wanting to talk to him. Im losing my control, im losing what ive always told my self to control.


What am I doing??? I like this guy his nice, and I think he cares about me.


Please help me understand what is going on, or what I should do.

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Hey, I tend to get too attached too quickly in relationships too. I keep it under control by spending a lot of time by myself, doing a lot of writing to get my feelings out, and spending a lot of time with friends. I know it is hard to move on after you have been hurt. So, thats why its best just keep things slowly and keep doing things for yourself so that IF it ever does happen that you get hurt again you are already used to having that independance. Just keep seeing him but take it slow ok?

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