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Help me figure her out please.


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Ok here's my problem:

There is this girl. She liked me for about a year now, but I've just started to "notice" her recently. And we had this "thing" at our school and apparently I was supposed to ask her out. She really thought I was gonna go for it, and when I didn't she became really upset. But I didn't know that she was waiting for me to approach her. I guess she saw that I like her now, and thought that I was gona make a move.

Now she's not like other girls I've met. She likes me ALOT, I don't think I've ever had anyone like me that much. I can see why she was upset. So a couple months later I decided to ask her out. I could see that she still likes me none the less. But when I asked her out, the unimaginable happened. She told me she had a boyfriend. I laughed a little inside. I am pretty sure that she doesn't have one. I mean first of all he doesn't go to our school, and she's only 15. I doubt she knows some one who lives far away. Second, she still keeps looking at me, but whenever I look at her she looks away. She looks at me when she thinks I can't see her, and I always catch her. It's as if she is playing hard to get. Why would she do that if she has a boyfriend? Her friends know about me. I would catch her glance at me, then say something to her firend, and her friend would look in my direction. And all in all I know her, and most all of my female friends are her friends. I didn't ask them ofcourse, but I doubt she has a boyfriend. It's like if you didn't know that one of your friends has a boy/girl friend.

Now I understand that maybe I only see what I want to see. And maybe I reject the reality. If that's the case, and she does infact have a boyfriend, well nothing much to do here. But what if I am right, it is a possibility. I just want someone to help me figure her out, give me and insight into the female mind. COuld it be possible that she is doing this to hurt me? I mean she liked me for a long time, and I paid 0 attention, and I didn't ask her out when I was supposed to. Could it be that she is playing a game with me, maybe even torchering me?

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well if you like her, i say just get to know her more, hang out with her talk to her whatever, and then you will find out for sure what exactly is going on....i wouldn't just assume she is lying about the boyfriend thing, i mean when i was 15 i knew plenty of kids that didn't go to my own school, so i wouldn't just assume she lied. she might have thought you didn't like her so she is trying to move on, i wouldn't blame her exactly if you didn't pay attention to her, she felt rejected. so yea it is probable that she still has feelings for you and may be trying to get rid of them with someone else and finding it difficult, or has found someone to get your attention onto her. either way i would work on just trying to be her friend and you will find out from there if you really want her to be yours.

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