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How can you tell if you're truly in love?

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I know this is a hard question to answer and one that has probably been asked quite a few times before, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me by letting me know how to tell if you're really in love with someone.

Thanks... all help is greatly appreciated!

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when all the senses in your body are overtaken by some unknown feeling.. you're in love. when all you can think about is the one that makes you the happiest.. you're in love. when you feel as though anything can go wrong but that one person can make everything alright... you're in love. when it's care and sincerity that is comprised into the relationship.. you're in love. don't rush it... because if it's meant to be... it will find you. good luck (hmmm.. maybe i should take my own advice... )

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I believe that everyones definition will be different. I can only tell you how it felt when I was in love. You would do anything to make themhappy and when they are happy you are happy. You miss them when you just left them and you would help them in any situation no questions asked. You accept them for who they are and do not try to change them. Wherever they are you want to be. Everyone will explain it differently......why do you think U are in love??

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I know this is a hard question to answer and one that has probably been asked quite a few times before, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me by letting me know how to tell if you're really in love with someone.

Thanks... all help is greatly appreciated!


Well its diffrent to each persion, but I believe that u can tell, becouse of the felling in ur boady and in ur heart.

Here is how I can tell that I am in love or falling in love.


1. I can't stop thinking about her

2. I miss her when I am not around her

3. I just want to make her happy even if I am not happy (I tend to scarifece my own happeness some times to make the persion I love happy)

4. I would do anything for that persion

5. I can never stay angry for long at her.

6. I fell it inside my heart and know its there.


Dark Angel

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how you know when you are truly truly truly in love with someone is when you cant explain it. its when you cant get them out of your head, u dream about them, and when you want to be with them until you die. its very hard to explain because its mostly just your opinion but believe me when you fall truly in love you WILL know it! i hope i helped!


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