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Hi there,

My girlfriend has what I think might be BV. She keeps getting reoccurring yeast infections. She takes dyflukin(sp?) and they go away about 5-6 days after she take it. My concern is these yeast infections keep coming back and more frequently. She had one two weeks ago, went away a day before her period and now 5 days after she got her peroid she's got what seems to be another one!!! Now needless to say this sucks for our sex life, but also her discomfort and attitude etc. She said she's going to make a doc appoint asap. My question is, could it be from her tampons? From me getting off inside her all the time? Let's clear up, I dont have a yeast infection so we aren't playing back and forth here. But yeah, she got a yeast infection like evey 6-7 weeks it seemed but now as of recent they are becoming far more frequent. Any thoughts?Bacterial Vaginosis???

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From me getting off inside her all the time? Let's clear up, I dont have a yeast infection so we aren't playing back and forth here.


Men are what they call "silent carriers" of a yeast infection. Meaning, you can certainly have it, will not have ANY symptoms, and will pass it back to her each time you have sex. If you've had sex while she's had one, you have it, and are giving it back to her each time.


My guy and I years ago bounced back and forth with this too.


My doctor gave BOTH of us a prescription for Diflucan and it never happened again.


The other thing is if she hasn't recently been examined by her GYN, she should been seen for an actual exam. Recurrant episodes of what appear to be a yeast infection can mean that it is actually and STD, mimicking the signs of a yeast infection.


Another concern when they reoccur over and over like this is that it is very common to see this when a woman has HIV. The compromised immune system predisposes a woman to frequent, recurrant yeast infections.


So, bottom line, have her get examined, make sure that's what it is, have her get a prescription of Diflucan for BOTH of you, both of you should be tested for HIV (just to be sure!) and hopefully, that will take care of it.

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Thank you for the input, i too will get tested again.


I guess the first time this happened back in august, we both had it, both went on diflucan and both cleared up. I had the redness and slight irritation that time. I have not had that since however.


What STD could it mimic? I've done my research and it looks like the one it may be would be chlamdia. Though this would come up 1-3 days after exposure. Does this mean she might be cheating on me? I have no symptoms of any std's ( i know that doesn't mean i dont have one) but if it were the C then i'd have symoptoms more than likely....



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Absolutely true, you are probably carrying it back and forth unfortunately.


Also, tell your girlfriend to look into something called 'acidopholus.' It is a live bacteria (similar to the one in yogurt) that should keep many infections at bay if she is prone to them. Very helpful.

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Even if you were not having any redness or irritation this time around, does not mean you are not a carrier. Men often do not get the same symptoms, so if you have sex with her while she is going through treatment, or too early after treatment, you can just pass it back and forth.


Bacterial Vaginosis is a different thing then a yeast infection, but it is a good idea for her to get it ruled out. However, if the difluxan is working, my guess is a yeast infection it probably is.


Culprits for a yeast infection are illness, hormone changes (pill, pregnancy), change in diet, not allowing her genitals to "breathe" (ie always wearing underwear even at night, very tight clothing, not changing out of workout clothes asap), using antibacterial soaps in the area, douching, using tampons of too high absorbency when not needed, and so forth.


She should look at adding cranberry juice and yogurt to her diet, both which have been shown to help stabilize the yeast-bacterial balance. There is always yeast in the vagina, but it is imbalances when the healthy bacteria are diminished that cause it to get out of control.


I would definitely get tested for STI's (both of you) and both of you if found to have yeast infection should go on a dose of difluxan and abstain until both are through the treatment.

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Thanks RayKay, yeah, i'm going in a couple hours and she's going today or tomorrow... It is just so frustrating becasue if you remember replying to my other posts a month or so ago, it is just another blunder in our sex life. But yep, we'll be abstaining again, just like two weeks ago when it was another week long break, then her period, now another yeast infection. And before anyone jumps on me for being an insensitve * * * * *, i know she can't help the yeast infections ok, i dont make her feel bad, I myself just get furstrated. RayKay, what are your thoughts on the chances of it being another std?

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I am not going to jump on you, I can see how frustrating it would be, especially added to the other issues.


It is hard to say "what" the chances are, as their are some that do mask themselves as irritations such as a STD, or if your body is fighting off an STD infection, it could also increase possibility of yeast infections (like Hope indicated with HIV).


I have seen some materials that indicate it could also be a sensitivity...read the following link which explains how many allergies may present symptoms that seem like a yeast infection, and also some treatments. Also, it does not a good point - when you constantly use dyflucann, it may even make the reccurrences more likely and worse as your body develops an immunity to it. And some people respond better to other medications then this one.


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going to the doctor is a good answer...and i think you'll find it usefull all around.


In my opinion, a break from tampons is good anyways...we have a natural process that happens. I have noticed that women who do not use tampons, have easier periods, and less yeast infections, and are also more intune with their bodies sometimes...that is just my own observance with friends etc.

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Is her family doctor doing an exam when he gives her the prescription? Is he adequately trained in women's health issues (some are, some aren't).


Family doctors are fine, but gynos are specifically trained in these areas. I would say if something is not working after several tries, it's foolish to try again and expect a different result!

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Ok, so I went for an std test and she went to the doc. I was given a dyfluken pill just in case. Her doc examined her and said she's red and a swollen inside but he thinks it's just yeast, so he's putting her on a ten day treatment that's an 'inside her' treatment. anyways, my gf figures we should use condoms while shes on this med, i guess i agree, but then we found out the application method and that it isn't just a pill and she doens't know if we should be having sex or not. I'll ask the pharmisit later when i pick up the prescription i guess. What do you guys figure? I really hate not having sex and fooling around, its been a week and we've both been busy too, just sucks is all. I got kinda mad the other day and accused her of not even missing sex, not a great choice on my behalf. Anyways Raykay remembers the libido issues from the other posts in december there. I mean my gf has been trying a lot and things have been good but I want her to Want to have sex with me and lust after me the same way i do after her. Anyways she asked the doc if the B/C pill could be the culprit and he said possibly. He took a blood test to test for some infection/virus that could be why she's tired all the time and having a low libido, so she's going for blood tests tomorrow. (also testing white blood cell, thyroid and others). Now he said if the test comes back with nothing wrong, she could try switching to some other tri-cyclin with a super low progesterone dose. Again when we switch apparently we have to use condoms for a month. Anyways thats the update. Any comments?

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When she is on the treatment, I believe they suggest you abstain from sex, if it's a internal treatment, sex can irritate and exaberate the issues. But check with the pharmacist to make sure.


When she switches pils, the abstinence would be as the pill takes a month to be effective, so to not risk pregnancy.


The pill does affect the hormones which can affect the tissues and bacteria, which can increase risks of yeast infections for example (just like pregnancy also raises risk). She should perhaps go see a specialist in women's health and discuss ways to reduce risks or some research on the internet - with caution of course!

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Hey Dr. Skier,


NO WAY should you have sex while she and you are being treated.


Let me set it up for you. You take that Diflucan tablet. Then you have sex with her, unprotected. The Diflucan kills the yeast infection that you HAD. By having unprotected sex with her again while she has a yeast infection, you get it AGAIN. The Diflucan onll works for the yeast that you HAD.... this is why she keeps getting it back. In the meantime, if she's getting better, and you aren't quite there yet, you give it back to her.


If you have sex with her (even with a condom) while she's on a cream or insert that goes into her vagina, you are going to remove some of the medication.


Not to mention, that while her vagina is so red and irritated and painful, it's not fun or pleasureable for her to have sex. It hurts, alot. You can tear her and make it worse, since she is so inflammed already.


The best way to handle it, frustrating though it is, to to ABSTAIN from sex completely until her treatment is over and she is feeling much better. You don't want to keep going through this, do you?


In the meantime, there are plenty of other ways you can please each other sexually. She can use her hands on you, her mouth on you, (you should not be using your mouth or hands directly on her, but you can rub her through her clothes.) Get creative, think of ways other than intercourse that you can find carnal satisfaction.


It's REALLY important that you give her body a break, and that you yourself let your medication treat your infection so that this cycle stops.

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well i took my dyfluken tab. My gf says her infection really isn't that sore anymore but dont worry she'll take the 10 tabs until it's done. The pharmisist said that we could have sex as long as i wore a condom to prevent transfer again. We might give it a try tonight.

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