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should ya tell ur parents about ur sex life?

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if you have gotten into a new sex life recently, is it better to tell your parents what you are doing or should you just keep it to your self becuase i am recently in a relationship of 5 months and i have not gotten into having sex but i have done everything there is before like...everything. what should i do??? i'm confused



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Why do you want to tell your parents? Most parents would rather live in the land of denial when it comes to sex, drugs and rock n' role. They know you partake in these things but they don't want to know, unless there is a problem. Which is when you would want to go to your parents.


Do you have questions? If you do then your parents would be a good source of information. Just spare then the gory details. No one wants to view their 'princess' doing the nasty.

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You won't need to tell them, they should be aware that, as you've been with someone for 5 months, that you've prolly gone a lot further than just kissing and holding hands. You'll prolly get one of them have a quiet word in your ear about staying safe, but that's usually it. It's quite the same thing as your attitude to your parent's sex life. You know that they do it, but would rather not think about it.

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I was having sex at 15 and never told my parents. Only because my mother was not open with me and I felt like I couldn't tell her things. Really, though, I am sure they new about it. Parents are not stupid and they know these things. Now that I have kids though, my husband and I have decided that we are going to be very open with them. I want to talk about everything with my son and daughter. I hope that with me being open to them, that they will feel comfortable coming to me when they have questions.


How open are your parents? If they are quite open, it may not be a bad idea to just let them know about it. It doesn't hurt anything that's for sure.

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