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ever felt this way before?????????????


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Basically there is this guy that i like a lot but my friend asked him out for me and he said he will cheat on me if he goes out with me i was deeply hurt

i avoided him for like 3 days and since then he has been behaving strangly, things he never does before like starring me straight in the eyes and really starring, touching my arms if i pass him through the corridor and asking why i am alone, wanting to sit near me, looking at people i smile at, asking my friend if i still like him, looking back to see if i am looking at him . what are his intentions i am so confused HELP,off late his close friend have been saying hi to me but he still teases me and stuff. my friend are like he is not worth it that if he really liked me he won't have said no the very first time that he is just showing off and am like really confused. what should i do???


[*]ignore him?

[*]be friendly with him?

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1) your friend asked him out for you? you don't exactly know what happened there, he might have been joking etc. 2) how sincere is he when he's talking to you? He might be trying to send the message that "ok I was just joking there, I'm a good guy so date me" I think he seems interested so I would take the chance.

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