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what is his deal?

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okay so i have been dating my boyfriend for 5 months. everything was perfect in the beginning you know. but lately over the past 2 months he has seemed kind of distant. wont walk next to me in the mall, just seems like he doesnt even want to know me. when i ask h im whats wrong he says nothing. he just always seems so gloomy. even all of our friends think something is always wrong with him. his best friend has asked him but he said nothing. well last night i asked him if he was happy with us. he said not really, so i asked him if he wanted to break up but he said no. this doesnt make sense to me. if hes not happy then why would he still want to be together.


idk maybe he meant hes just not happy in general cause he said he has always been this way. does anybody have any advice on how i can cheer him up? thanks in advance

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Well, I think that he needs to see a psychologist..this sounds like a classic case of depression which may have nothing to do with your relationship at all. How is his family life? Some people go into depression for reasons that are totally unknown, but he needs to get help before it turns severe.

The only way I'd wonder if it was because of you is if he is only acting this way around YOU, but if everyone is noticing his odd behavior then it most likely has little to nothing to do with your relationship.

Just be supportive and let him know you are always there to talk...and I strongly suggest you urge him to see someone and maybe get on some anti-depressants. I have seen far too many people let depression run their lives and it's horrible. Eventually his depression will cause so much strain on your relationship that you won't even be able to handle being with him.

Good luck!

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you asked him if he's happy with you and him. he said not really...... i would take that as, not really. you should talk more about this with him and find out exactly what he means by that. you have been dating him for 5 months, 3 of which were good? so it doesn't make sense. do you think he could have someone else on his mind........that would distant him. the only reason i'm saying this is because he said he wasn't really happy.

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this sounds like my ex, before we broke up he started distancing himself from me and his friends... he's moody, one day he loves his job the next he hates it, one day he calls and texts me continuously the next I don't hear from him. He's mad at his friends, then he's hanging out with them... etc. I know he comes from a lot of family emotional abuse and I think he's reached his breaking point.


It sounds like theres something more going on here and he might need help and you may not be able to give it to him, he should talk to someone professionally.

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