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Im to shy.. i can feel her slipping away :(


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well ive been going out with this girl for about 1 month now..At the beginning we were always together sitting by eachother and all that stuff..But im really shy and i think shes getting tired of it . Because now shes not doing the same things she used to.. like always being around me..and flirting with me. Ive noticed her flirting with other guys, and im so afraid of losing her to this "Guy" because hes always talking to her and i found out he likes her. So right now i really dont know what to do, Im so shy and i just cant help it. I think about doing things like putting my arm around her and other stuff but im always afraid at what her reaction will be, like if she will push my arm off her or something. Im just really depressed right now

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its more than just flirting thought because he likes her and his friend is trying to hook him up with her even though he knows im dating her. That is wat makes mre really mad. I want to jst go up to her and give her a hug or put my arm around her but i cant..Im afraid of what her response is going to be.. I dont mind her flirting with other guys.. thats fine with me but when i know the guy shes flirting with is challenging me to get her from me that really makes me mad. Do you think i should just go up to her and start talking to her about movies and things like that? because i think she is feeling i dont like her because im not talking to her that much. Going up and talking to her may sound really easy to you guys but im a really shy person i get really nervous and start saying dumb things... Im going to go see her tomarow because we both go to the same church. Because i can see him hitting on her. Like hes always going up to her and hugging her.. i wouldnt mind it if it was just as a friend but he wants to be more than just friends with her. I like her and she likes me but its like this gu is trying to get her because he kept asking her to come outside of the place were we were at because he had to tell her something.. i think he was just trying to get away from me . Im really afraid im going to lose her to him


Sorry for the long post i just had to let it out.

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Dude, if you guys have been going out for a month and you barely talk to her can you blame her for not thinking you're interested? a relationship is two sided and you have to input to make it work. Going up and giving a girl a hug might seem like the scariest thing in world to you, but isn't it worth the risk to become close to a girl you have feelings for?


Sometimes you gotta fight for what you want man, otherwise it will never happen. Also if another guy is making a move on your girl, confront him about it dont ever let someone walk all over you. I used to be a real shy guy too, always had my head down while walking past people and couldn't talk to a girl without going red. Just stop caring about what other people think about you and go for what you want no matter what.

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you know its ok to have a different opinion to your girlfriend, thats what makes it interesting. If you agreed on everything it would get boring fast. so dont worry about saying something she might disagree with as thats part of a good conversation. and about saying something dumb - who cares, im sure she wont.

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If she is down right flirting in front of you and it is more then her natural careless kindness (i'm like that and its not flirting--and it includes hugs)...but if you know that she is going beyond her natural social tendencies, then its a sign that you are not meeting her needs and she is looking beyond you. Move fast...throw her a curve ball then. you have to keep your mates attention, thats life...go places where u dont' feel shy and crack a funny joke that is not to harsh about and infront of this guy...let him know you think hes a punk in front of her...but subtle so he doesn't kick ur * * *...

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  • 2 weeks later...
im sure its just her natural personality.. well i think any guy would get kinda mad if they saw there girlfriend giving a guy hugs and flirting with them right infront of them.. But she does that to every one..thats just her



You have a right to be mad. If a gf of mine did that, she would get one warning. After that, I'd be finding another girlfriend.

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