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Can't Stop Thinking

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I cannot stop thinking about life and God and what's real and what's not real and what's naturally human and what's not naturally human and do we have souls? and what does and doesn't have a soul? My brain will not stop.


In my mind I have this anxious feeling, like I'm waiting for something. I feel like if I just sat and thought long enough, some tidy little answer for everything will somehow arrive specifically to me.


I feel strange and not human, and feel alienated by people because I feel like I'm different than the average person - not better, maybe even worse, but different. I wonder how people can function with so little knowledge about existence. I feel trapped in my life and trapped in my body and trapped in my mind and trapped by existence all together.


I feel like all the meaning human beings assign to life isn't real.

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I"ve been there before...well probably still am there. I will sit and think about the same issues you just brought up. I become troubled with the thought of why we are here and what we are meant to be doing. To me it makes no sense at all. I believe in God and try to live according to Him, however I think it is the unknown which scares people. There are alot of questions that could be asked but we will never know the answers until our time comes.

I guess thats why the have a thing called 'Faith'. Faith to believe in the unseen.

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Argh, lost the message I was typing. I feel like giving up; but it's not in my nature to give up. I was born and raised Catholic, to always love and never discriminate. My mother did this to make me a real man in her sense, the one who will stand up for the greater good and always love, to be emotional. I know I will grow up to be a great man; once I get over this modesty I have. I; of the age 18 now, don't believe in God(A man directing me to whats right and wrong, to do this, this and this and not that). I believe in Good and not God. I believe in Faith, I believe in Love, I believe in Hope, I believe in the Good in humans, because we are all human, its just our actions and our souls that make us different. I will stray away from the bad people, and bring out the good in others. Of course, I will always try to bring the good out in the bad people, just it's hard when I feel like I am the only one. I find myself always helping out other people and make sure they stay on the right path.


All I can say, is never be ordinary, believe in what you need and want to. Your heart will always be an organ that pumps blood, but your mind and your soul is what really counts. Your 'heart' that everyone talks out(in my opinion), is the love that you have. A big heart, a black heart, a small heart, no heart. Life is another word for experience, to live, love, and learn. To meet people, some for a short time, long time, or even your lifetime.


If anything; why are we here? Do you believe we are reincarnated to live another life? Or we only have one life to live, and make it count. Find out who you are, and what you believe in. What your MIND and SOUL really want. Never the wants of others. Put yourself in good company and always take care of your loved ones, and yourself.

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I believe it is human nature to have these thoughts and to have all the questions but there is one thing for sure in life that you have to live everyday like your last and sitting around feeling anxious about things that really have no answer is not really the way to go. Enjoy everyday do things that bring happiness and fullfilment to you soround yourself by positive those are the people that want the best for you. And far as religion goes you can find the answer in your heart dont let anyone influence you as far as religion go with what feels comfortable to you do a little research on different faiths and in the end if you dont find something as long as you believe there is a greater force than you that would suffice. Hope I was of some help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are right, there 's a curtain and behind this curtain lies the reality that there is life beyond death, the human body is like a glove that you put on and that your soul discards once its use is gone. You are here for eternity, and your soul is going thru a cyclus of life with


Read all about it in the Cyclus of the soul .


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Asking these questions is perfectly natural. Everyone does at some point. Some just think about it more then others.


Personally, I think that whatever is after death does not change what we are in the present. Heaven or Hell, reincarnation, nothing at all..... doesn't change what we should do in the present. I believe the meaning of life is to simple be a good person, doing the right, and trying to realize our full potential, helping others to do the same. It's to expand our horizons and transcend the things that currently hold us back, evolving into something more, something Godlike if not Gods ourselves ultimately. And we do that by taking care of one another. It comes in love and compassion for all. It comes in opening up our minds to new possibilities and considerations. It comes in exploring both the outer reaches of the univers, and the inner reaches of the human heart and soul.

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When our mind gets tired, we think more. It's a fact. The more we think, the more tired our mind gets. Thoughts start to race on automatic after a while and that's then we become really concerned, alarmed even. And it starts a vicious circle but only because we start be to become anxious and even alarmed by this.


Don't be afraid to think, it's nothing to be afraid of. Just carry on with your day to day life, despite having these thoughts and they will stop being so alarming, overwhelming and worrying. Realise that they are just thoughts and shrug it off.


You're normal but your mind is just tired from over thinking and analyzing everything, realise that the more concerned you become over this, the more you will become afraid of it happening. Accept that your mind is tired, that you cannot know all the answers to everything, no one does and probably never will, and this thinking will lose it's importance to us. It's as simple as that.

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