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Falling for my bf's bestfriend!!!!!!!!

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Hey guys!! I posted a similar post to this last week but some things have changed and i need advise! Like i said before i've been with my bf for almost 3 years now but everything has gone downhill with us... We fight everyday and he blames me for everything. This has been going on the last year and a half, it just got really bad the last few weeks when we were on vacation with his friend. My bf and I fought the whole time and didn't really speak to eachother, he always says things to bring me down and make fun of me. People ask why I'm still with him. Anyways the problem is i'm not happy anymore but i still love him. Which is worse is that i have fallin for his friend. Me and his friend are super close and always have been, he does everything for me. He tells me all the time why do i put up with my bf's shit and how he treats me! He saw it through his own eyes when we all were together. Just a few nights ago my bf said things about he thinks there's something going on between us and that he can see me leaving him for his friend. I told his friend and he didn't know what to say...We were supoosed to do something tonight but he said it wasn't right cause of what my bf said, but he really wanted to. Anyhow i just found out from him tonight talking to him on the phone that he's falling for me! He says i need to make a decision and to do it right away so I won't be hurt anymore.. What do I do?

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this sounds like a very relistic problem on your hands here. i dont know if you believe in this but everything happenes for a reason. i think inyour case you need to stand back and really think about your reasons still to stay with your boyfriend and even though you really do still love him, does he acually treat you like he loves you the same????? if you were acually ever to marry this man, what would it be like? you got to think about were you are really happy in this feild, you dont deserve this kind of treatment. and if he does really love you, he should support your every move and if you ever do go for his friend *which i think you should becuase you might just me more happier* think of the things that might happen, would you loose your boyfriend as even a friend???? well go with the disisions in your heart and do what you think is best, just think before you act.

good luck

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Ive been the mean boyfriend , the one that is mean and my girlfriend and she would fall back into my friends arms.


Except i thought that she was being to loose and close to my friend more than me so i got jelous and would bet angry and make myself look bad, then my best friend would be taking advatage of it and be th nice guy that would make me look worse. we were pist at each other more times than happy.

my girlfriend did admit she was wrong because it was like around all my friends she would kinda leave me in the dust and walk off with my friend.

some friends would love it when we would fight so she would hang with them other good friends grabbed me and said u know im not gonna take ur girl huh.

i dont know if this is kinda your situation but. Try taking your boyfriend out somewhere romantic and give him your full attention and see what happens. quit any contact with his friend for atleast a week(ask ur bf to not go out with him for a week to and see if most of his anger is jelousy.


your bf of 3 years deserves a another shot but if it dont work, it dont work move on i guess(easier said than done huh) just dont go out with his friend, find someone else if it cant work.


all i know is it takes an ass load of work to get through it. im still with my girlfriend now.


anyways best of luck to you, (my rambling on prob didnt help 1 bit.)

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thanks for the advice!! The problem is that i gave him way to many chances already and everytime he said he would change but he never has. Its been going on for a long time. When he does come over he usually goes straight to the computer or TV.. he hardly asks how my day was or anything... its hard! I just don't know what to do anymore because everytime i try to talk to him its always my fault and i'm the bad guy

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If you leave your BF then leave him. Don't date his friend, that's the worst thing you can do. Not only will your current BF be really pissed and betrayed but also it will cause serious issues.


My Ex cheated on me with one of my friends. I dumped her and now they are together. They really messed up though. They lost most of their friends. All of his friends have lost complete respect for him. Her parents think he and she are both stupid for the choices they made. The fact that they did this is really bad karma.


If you leave your BF don't date anyone right away. Especially not his friend. (He's not much of a friend if he's trying to steal you). There is way too much baggage involved in this situation. Beware, what comes around goes around. I promise you if you dabble in this triangle of love it will burn you in the end.


What comes around goes around... Don't forget that. Good luck and I hope you make the right choice.

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