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Should I tell her? If so, how? (long)

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Me and my best friend, Bridget, have been friends for 6 years and I have completely fallen in love with her. Well, this goes back 2 Wednesdays ago, at chess club. Me, Bridget, Frank, and Eric have chess club together. Me and Bridget were playing eachother in chess and she noticed that I was very nervous. The next chess club meet (this past Wednesday) we played eachother in chess again and I asked her if I really was that nervous and she said (laughing) that I looked like I was going to start seizuring all over the place. After she beat me we talked to Eric and Frank. Bridget left for a little while and then Frank and Eric tell me that they know I like her because I act so much different when she's around. When Bridget got back they kept trying to tell her and I kept stopping them right after every time they called her.


From then on Bridget has been working on Eric, Frank, and me to get one of us to tell her what was going on and what the secret was. I really want to tell her that I love her, but I don't know if I should or how. Please help me. Any and every bit of advice is appreciated.


(Sorry this is so long)

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the more you hide the more she's going to be annoyed. You are going to feel a lot better after you let it out. If she's a good person she won't stop talking to you just because you love her. It takes a lot for a person to love another. Just tell her how you feel about her maybe she feels the same.

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the more you hide the more she's going to be annoyed. You are going to feel a lot better after you let it out. If she's a good person she won't stop talking to you just because you love her. It takes a lot for a person to love another. Just tell her how you feel about her maybe she feels the same.

Well, at the end of the previous school year I told her that I had a crush on her and it just made us a lot closer. But, how should I tell her that I love her?

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Well man, I know that it sounds simple, but I think that the next time you're hanging out with her alone, just say that you want to tell her something, then once you've got her attention (Make sure that you have her attention, not too wise to tell her while she's preoccupied with something) just say that you've been thinking about this for a while, and that you want to say that you're in love with her, or love her, or whatever it is you feel you need to say. Don't make it a -huge- ordeal, but by all means, don't downplay it either.

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I'm not sure if I would say that if I were in your shoes. You told her once you had a crush on her but it didn't change the status of your relationship (what was her exact reaction?). I'd say that's a pretty good indication that she doesn't want anything more than friendship. In this case, saying I love you might weird her out and make her not want to be so close to you anymore. Having a crush and being in love are very different. So, she may have just brushed off the fact that you had a crush and thought it was cute. But if you tell her you love her and she doesn't feel the same, it will change the friendship, no matter how much both of you try to have things be the same. Once the cat is out of the bag so to speak, things won't go back to the way they were.

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I'm not sure if I would say that if I were in your shoes. You told her once you had a crush on her but it didn't change the status of your relationship (what was her exact reaction?).

I was going to move when I told her I had a crush on her. When I told her she said "It sucks that you're moving. Because we won't be able to do anything about it."


I'd say that's a pretty good indication that she doesn't want anything more than friendship. In this case, saying I love you might weird her out and make her not want to be so close to you anymore. Having a crush and being in love are very different. So, she may have just brushed off the fact that you had a crush and thought it was cute. But if you tell her you love her and she doesn't feel the same, it will change the friendship, no matter how much both of you try to have things be the same. Once the cat is out of the bag so to speak, things won't go back to the way they were.


Well, should I tell her that I have a crush on her again?

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Instead of jumping right out to the 'I Love You' phase, maybe you should just ask her out on a date first. Just the two of you.

Well, I am currently in the process of writing her a letter. So, on Monday, should I ask her if she wants to hang out at the mall or go to a movie this weekend (just the two of us)?

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Ok, no I love you, no letter, reason being it is toooo much - you guys haven't even started dating. If you say I love you right away, well sometimes that scares people off. So be careful with that one.


Ask her if she wants to go see a movie with you. Just the two of you. Then you can go from there

I told her Friday I was going to be writing her a letter over the weekend, so would that actually be too much?


I will ask her out. But, of course, I don't think I should tell her that I love her.


But how do I tell her that I won't tell her "the secret"? Should I just tell her that I don't think I should tell her yet because once I say it I can never take it back and that is might damage our friendship.

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