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Ex in second year of college...he's dating a 13 year old

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Okay well...


I found out a few nights ago...my ex (who is 18 and entering his second year of college) is dating a 13 year old (grade eight)...and he could be charged with statutory rape.


I am DYING to call the cops on him. But i don't know...b/c i have no idea if they are having sex or not. And she dates older guys specifically for sex, and he likes sex.


I know i shouldn't care...and i don't really want to call the cops (although i want someone to)...i want him to pay for his mistakes....should i wait until they catch up with him in his later years (like 10 - 20 years?) b/c i know they will.


I dumped him and it's been almost 5 months and he called me out of the blue just to piss me off. Any ideas on how to get even? Or should i just let his mistakes catch up with him in later years...when he will need help the most?


Please help and thank you so much for your advice and for reading this!



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Geez, something does need to be done. If you are the only one who knows, then yes, he might know you did it and think it was out of spite.

Personally, I think I would call someone, if not the police, just a counsellor or someone in the psych field who can direct you on your path...


Really something should be done to help the 13 year old more than punish the 18 year old, even though something should be done for him as well (I'd like to give him a good lesson). The young girl involved is screwing up her life WAY more than she realizes.


Hope it works out for the best, and we don't see them on the day-time talk shows...


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Jitrenda, read my post on getting even


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You might find it interesting. You shouldn't try to get revenge on your Ex because he pissed you off. However what he is doing is also SICK. It's called pedophilia. His actions are illegal for a reason, a child (which she is) is incapable of making life decisions such as having sex. He is causing her serious harm.


You have to do what is right. If you feel contacting the police is to far, perhaps his parents? It's not your job to look out for her, but if your feel that you should do something then do it. Just make sure your actions are out of morality and good conscience not anger. Every negative action will have a negative response...

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Whoa... slow down.


Although what he's doing is wrong. Why do you care? If you want to report him to get revenge then that's just as wrong. It's spiteful and it's the wrong way to approach any situation. If you're doing it because what he's doing is wrong then I agree with your decision. The problem is that even if you report him, she'll just get someone else. If you truly care about what's going on you have to let someone know who will investigate HER (the 13 year old) as well.


Early sexual activity can be a symptom of bigger things like a history of sexual abuse.

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WAIT>....stop for a sec, Before you do anything Call cops. or tell parents.. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PROOF>.. he might be doing this as a test...had some girl play as his Girlfriend..like you said Your not sure if they are sexually active. so if there is no sex then there is no case....unless the state demands he/she takes a test, to somehow determine if they are sexually together...but i would be cautious around this..it seems a little fishy that he would only let you KNOW!....see what I'm saying..

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