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what is the whole chemisty thing....

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Chemistry- well it's when the 2 people just have a natural "spark" between them. It's there from the moment you meet, and its just so easy to talk to the person.

There's nothing wrong with the friendzone, and often you can get out of it. People's feelings change, but usually you feel more awkward if feelings change because you've been friends for so long, so more is at risk if you go out and break up.



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hk87 is right about the chemistry thing. Things just seem...well...right. As if you've known each other for a while. But I know that one important factor in attraction/chemistry for me is smell. You have to smell "right" to me or else I just can't be attracted to you. lol. And I don't mean personal hygiene. I mean the persons own natural smell. I think you get what I mean. lol.

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