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I'm Pregnant

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Hi everyone i'm new my name is ERica and I would really like to have some advice. I'm really young and did something stupid and now im pregnant.

I've had protected sex once with my boyfriend it was great then ... the unthinkable... THE CONDOM BROKE and he came inside me before he could "pull out"... Of course we had been worried sincethat day in August...

I just found out today I'm pregnant. After 5 months of worrying our worries became a reality. A reality nightmare. He was there with me today which comforted me alot.


i was hoping i wasnt, but I was. I had been having regular periods since August until this month i havent had one and are 2 weeks past. I thought since i was having light periods it might be just going to be late alittle... HAHAHA was I WRONG! NOw i know why i was having no period this month. What really supprised me was I had no symptoms till like two days ago like when i felt like something was moving in my stomach.

I had no morning sickness, regular but lighter periods, and no other symptoms til then.


Now i know and i'm so sorry for having sex at my age. I own up to it full responsibility because my parents have taught me to take the responsibility for mistakes and I HAVE to now. I'm so dissipointed with my self i'm a honor student with straight A's and I thought I had my head on my shoulders straight but i guess i didnt in that department. But anyway please just send me back a message or pm me. to know more.


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First, Welcome to ENotAlone


You must have a lot of mixed emotions right now and many questions. Obviously you need to figure out how you are going to tell your parents, but you must also realize not to be hard on yourself. You both did use protection and things like this do happen. You need to also decide for yourself and your boyfriend if you are ready to be parents. I think you may have a better idea on how to handle this once your parents are told and involved. Every pregnancy is different and even though there are tell tale signs, not everone has all of them and/or any at all.

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Dear Erica


Welcome to the forum.


I am sorry to hear your going through some rough times right now. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Depending on your age you can make certain decisions which best fit you.


I think the sooner you tell your parents the better. like the above poster said, you did use protection. I myself am not an avid promoter of condoms to be the safest, unless you're having sex with random partners then I promote bcp and condoms (for protection against std's)...but normally i find bcp's work best when used correctly- but even with bcp's this can happen.


you tried to be responsible.


..I know at a young age (because I am very young myself) we think nothing will happen to us, that we're doing well in life so we're on top of the world, and one slip up and bam, everything seems to come tumbling down- but it is not so. You will live through this and hopefully, which is up to you- come out a better stronger woman.


by the way, did you know about the morning after pill? thats useless now, but just curious if you did.


please feel free to come back anytime, and pleas ekeep us posted. We are here to support you.


Best wishes.

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Yes i went to the doctor today. I was supprised they could make an appointment for me so soon because i just figured i was pregnant Sunday or Saturday. I do have some questions... What are some baby equipment I will need other than a babybed and car seat? and How far a long will I have to be to find out what i'm having so I can get Gender orientated babythings ready? How do i know whats good nutritional food to eat while pregnant. Like do i need to eat more fruit and vegetables and less fries and Soda Pop?

Will schools let you come back after you drop out or do you have to get a GED? Please reply back! Thanks

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I think the first thing you need to do is tell your parents, and get a regular doctor. You may need an ultrasound soon, and tests to rule out problems. If you have not been getting the right nutrition there are some risks for example.


An obstetrician will get you information on when you can get testing and what you should be eating (and yes....more healthy, less junk!).


Are you planning on keeping it or giving it up for adoption? I recommend you stay in school as long as possible, I know others whom have been there and done it. You can go back, many get a GED because they have no time to go back, but if you can, go back.

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WEll i've always said I would never have to worry about getting pregnant at 15 or 16 because i want to do what my parents always told me but this sure back fired on me. I'm 15 way to young to be having a baby I just hope my little sister doesnt do this to her self. I've tried to talk to her today but she doesnt want to talk to me. i think she thinks since i 'm going to have a baby i wont have time for her anymore. But of course I will make time she doesnt understand. She's only 12 so she doesnt understand. I'm sorta of scared to tell my parents because i've been such a little angel blessing(they always tell me that) and I just dont want to disappoint them or hurt them for anything but i cant help it now. I've made a big Oops and have to accept it and hope all will be forgiven.

I am disappointed with my self but cant change anything now but to act like an adult unlike i acted that day and take my life in my hands and the responsibility too.

Jeremiah(my boyfriend) is upset very much but is accepting it as well. I just hate this for him because he was going to start college this summer. I've told him to go on but he insits on staying home with me. But well see how it works out. He was going to become an Archtitect, or an Engineer can remember because he wants to be both. But this is breaking mostly my heart and i know his because I want him to go to college. But he says he just wants to be with me and I told him i would go with him but I dont know.I have to talk to my parents and he has to talk to his . But anyway just reply back!


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Hi Erica,


The others are right, it's important to tell your parents sooner rather than later. You are going to need all the help and support you can get, and they have raised children (you included!) so they will be a great source of support and advice.


They may be dissappointed in you at first, but they love you and it sounds as though they will support whatever decision you make regarding the baby.


As for your boyfriend, was he planning to go away for college, or is it local? Perhaps once you tell his parents, something can be worked out that he can go to a local college and still be able to get an education that will benefit all of you in the long run, and still be able to help with the baby.


You say that your sister already knows, when do you think you will tell your parents?

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i agree with the post above. a college nearby family and for you two to stay together would be good.


it is amazing that at such a tender age he is showing how nurturing and loving he is. you are very lucky. especially at your age.


talk to both your parents....they are very important in all of this since you two are so young. please keep us posted.


we are here fo r you!

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WEll i talked to both of them last night thats why i didnt respnded any more.

My mom was upset but then began to get use to the idea. My dad a whole different story.(they're divorced) My dad gave me a long speech on the phone about how long he had been telling me not to have sex before married and that he will never be able to trust me again and I listen and was quiet till he finished. Then i gave him what i thought and felt. I told him that i was sorry, and that i knew better and now i have to face the consequences. I told him that I'm going to have to grow up and act like an adult and accept my respnsiblities. Then he said well you better because me and KAye(new wife) arent going to raise that kid. My dad might have half way raised me but I know for dog gone sure he isnt gonna want to see my kid. Exspecially Kaye because she doesnt even bother to see her own kids which are 19, 16, and 13. An d the 19 has two kids. My dad just doesnt care except now I'm not his perfect daughter he wants. but i cant help it now and I'm keeping the baby.

Jeremiah and I have been talking... And he is going to go to college and I'm going to go with him. It's only 45 minutes from where my parents live so it's not a big big deal but I'm going to stay with my mom until i get this baby stuff down pat. Now I have made an appointment with an Obstetrician For the 2nd of February. So is there anything else I need to do for now?

My mom and I havent sat down long enough today to talk all about it but she is dissiapointed but I;m going to school till like I cant even get up. She is very supportive and and is getting less and less unhappy about it.

But anyways.. Reply back!

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I am glad you talked to your parents sweetie! It's too bad your dad had that reaction, but you sound like a very good child, whom made a mistake, and you are going to do the best you can. I am glad your mom is suporrtive though...that was my best friends experience as well. She got pregnant at 16, and while it was tough on all, the worry about telling her family was worse then the actuality.


Just make sure you are eating healthy, and taking care of yourself. Perhaps get some books that may help educate yourself on what you are going through and what you can expect (there are some good ones out there!). Be honest with your doctor, and just do the best you can sweetie.


I think it is VERY good Jeremiah is still going to go to college, that will be good for all of you, and I think you should also plan to continue your own education as well. Many colleges even have daycare programs you can use to help out.


Has Jeremiah told his parents?

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wow. I am so impressed that you are keeping the child. Good for you. That is great! believe it or not, eventually it'll blow over. I know it would have just been easier to have an abortion and give up, but you opted for it, and you will be rewarded for it. You will receive the most precious gift ever- ok so it wasnt picture perfect after a wedding and several yrs of blissful marriage, but we all have a purpose and I am sure this miracle growing inside of you has a magnificent purpose waiting for he/she.


Like Raykay said, educate yourself as much as you can on the topic. Stay very close to your mom and family. Also, continue to do very well in school. Don't let anything get in the way of your grades. I think you'll do just fine.


Also, remember your relationship with Jeremiah is at a whole new level now, and try to stay very close united as you're about to begin a new little family of your own.


Has he told his parents yet?

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Hey Girl,


I just want to say that I too am very proud of you for telling your parents and for listening to your dad without getting defensive and then telling him how you felt.


You mom sounds like once she gets over the initial shock you will be able to count on her for support, and that's great that Jeremiah can go to school close by, it's VERY important that he gets a college education (and you too, when the time is right!) to better this baby's life and his own and yours!


For now, take those prenatal vitamins, eat a healthy, balanced diet, get your rest, see that doctor, and read up as much as possible.


Some good books are


"What to Expect When You're Expecting"






"Your Pregnancy Week by Week"




These will give you a guide, of well, what to expect! How to eat, exercise, how much sleep you need, what your weight gain might be like, tests and procedures the doctor will do during the pregnancy and when, what size the baby is each week, when you might feel him or her kicking, what to buy and wear, what labor will be like.... etc.


And come back and update us when you can!




You are a very strong young lady.

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Thank you so much! I am thinking about getting that "What to Expect When Expecting" I also think that Guide thing you mentioned is a good Idea.

Jeremiah told his parents but figured it out when he told them he was going to the doctor with me. I dont know how well they ACTUALLY took it but Jeremiah told me they were a little upset but seemed like they get over it.

The parents have all talk today while I was at school. SO i'll see how that went when my mom gets home.

Butany ways I have an appointment on the 2nd of February so i'll see how that goes. but i'll talk to you all later and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!

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The book "What to Expect While Expecting" is a wonderful book. Although every pregnancy is different, it gives you a wonderful insight on what to expect during each month and stage. I do want to remind you that even though it has great advice/insight do not use that as your bible should you have any questions or concerns about yourself or your pregnancy. Always make sure to contact your doctor if something doesn't seem right, o.k.?

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HEy all I've got like three questions..

Do you get hiccups more when your pregnant.?

Do you get indegestion bad when your pregnant.?

At 5 & 6 months is it normal to already have a little milk?

When do most women feel there babies moving and kicking.?


I have felt like the baby is kicking at times and I dont know if its the baby or nerves or something. I've been a little quesy lately but feel fine today.

I 'm keeping a journal of everyday to describe who i feel that day and what the baby is doing.

Does anyone know any good baby information web sites? If so please tell me


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Hi Erica I'm allyson and I'm pregnant to and yeah you can have indegestion more and the baby will kick around this time. Because my baby girl is kicking and i'm only 5 months along. I've been to link removed and you could go under a search engine and look up baby info. If you ever need anyone to talk to i will always be here!

Allyson L.

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HEy all I've got like three questions..

Do you get hiccups more when your pregnant.?

Do you get indegestion bad when your pregnant.?

At 5 & 6 months is it normal to already have a little milk?

When do most women feel there babies moving and kicking.?


I have felt like the baby is kicking at times and I dont know if its the baby or nerves or something. I've been a little quesy lately but feel fine today.

I 'm keeping a journal of everyday to describe who i feel that day and what the baby is doing.

Does anyone know any good baby information web sites? If so please tell me


Hey Girl,


Yes, you hiccup more when you are pregnant, your diaphragm gets irritated by the pressure of your internal organs pushing on it as the baby grows.


At 20-24 weeks you may begin to have some colostrum come in (a clear yellowish fluid that contains antibodies for the baby and is expressed in the first 3-4 days of nursing.) If you find you are leaking, DON'T stimulate your breasts, or try to get the fluid out- this can cause premature contractions, but place gauze pads (you can buy at CVS) in your bra to keep your nipples dry and prevent leakage from coming through. More than a little leakage and call your OB to verify that this is OK. Not all women have colostrum come in this early, but some do. Regardless, you've probably noticed that your breasts have increased in size and fullness, in preparation for milk production, which begins officially after the delivery of your placenta, following the birth of the baby. (colostrum comes first).


Some women begin to feel "fluttering" sensations of their baby moving at around 20-22 weeks, and more definite movements as the baby grows and the space the baby has to move around gets smaller.


I'm a nursing student and we are actually studying OB right now, (which is what I want to do- ) so I have pretty current info.


Hope this helps!


Are you taking your prenatal vitamins?



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Thanks for the answers I got some of those breast gauze patch things. So im good. My teachers at school found out today by my mom that I was pregnant some where excited for me and others just stuck there noses up. I really dont care because i 'm happy and staying in school until like the last week i can. I've been keeping a journal on how i've been feleing and all and I keep saying in there I cant wait til February 2nd because thats when i get a sonogram, find out when i'm having the baby,etc. I'm getting so excited i cant wait. It's at 3:45pm that day and I will post as soon as I can when I find out everything. Thanks For the replies!

Keep them posted!



p.s. Im getting some tomorrow... I forgot when i went to the Drugstore.oops

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Thanks for the answers I got some of those breast gauze patch things. So im good. My teachers at school found out today by my mom that I was pregnant some where excited for me and others just stuck there noses up. I really dont care because i 'm happy and staying in school until like the last week i can. I've been keeping a journal on how i've been feleing and all and I keep saying in there I cant wait til February 2nd because thats when i get a sonogram, find out when i'm having the baby,etc. I'm getting so excited i cant wait. It's at 3:45pm that day and I will post as soon as I can when I find out everything. Thanks For the replies!

Keep them posted!



p.s. Im getting some tomorrow... I forgot when i went to the Drugstore.oops


Hey Erica,


Sounds like things are still going well


My best friend got pregnant when she was 16, she actually gave the baby up for adoption (open adoption so she chose the parents, and she is an "aunt" of sorts until he is old enough to be told). I remember how hard it was for her, there were some whom did dissaprove, but most were very supportive. She is a fun, friendly, bright girl....whom ended up pregnant after a broken condom.


But she did it. She stayed in school until she delivered, then took a few days off and was back again. I know it was hard, as she gave her baby up, but she did it. Now I know you are keeping yours, but I just wanted to say, you can do it. We as humans are quite amazing, and quite able to adapt. I hope your family will be able to help you so you can go back to school and finish after you have the baby.....in the long run, your education is crucial for you and your child. And I know girls whom have done it...not easily, but they have, and even gone on to college/university even if it meant doing it part time.


Keep your chin up, take care of you and the baby, and let us know how your sonogram goes!

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Thanks for that i really needed that today. I called about my appointment today to see if I can get in sooner and What a stoke of luck I can 2morrow acctually a girl came in right when i called and cancelled for a later date. So I guess I find out tomorrow.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait i'm about to burst out of excitement. But anyway i got some of those breast gauze patches and they work well. So as soon as I find out tomorrow i will give an update then it's shopping time!!!!!!!!Yay how fun!



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