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A success story, and sincere thanks

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Good morning. It has been several long months since my breakup, and it seems like years ago. I haven't posted here in a few months, and I am thankful for not feeling like I needed to. Today I am writing to say thanks, and hopefully offer hope to those who are hurting and think there is no light. During my dark weeks, I could see NO light, and nothing anyone could tell me made things any easier. When you hear "Time heals all wounds", take comfort in knowing that it is true. My therapist was of great help to me. If you are seeing a therapist and feel like you are getting nothing from it, seek out a new therapist. A good counselor makes all the difference. I also decided that I needed some additional help, and was prescribed Zoloft. I truly feel that this medication helped me and sped up the healing process a bit. It should be known that there is no such thing as an instant cure, and if you choose to use a drug to help you, give it some time to kick in and don't get discouraged. Lastly, I threw myself vigorously into an exercise program and have continued it. I also got rid of my miserable job and landed a dream job, and bought a beautiful sportscar. Things are going well, and I rarely look back now. I wanted to share because there were many nights when I felt this website was all I had, and you all were the only ones who could understand what I was coping with. I hope what I have shared helps you, and that you realize better days are ahead.



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Good for YOU!!!!... aye, agree with Relationship Course.. lotz of people wait for the HAPPY FAIRY to knock on their door and sprinkle happy happy dust all over everything. WE are in control of our own destinies.... writers of our own scripts. And if that means asking for a helping hand of therapists.. hey.. thats why they are in that proffession. GOOD FOR YOU.



You've done an AWESOME thing for yourself. Keep on moving!!!!

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I know everyone on here goes on and on about no contact- I can't stress how right they are. I allowed myself ONE call to gain closure, and swore off calling her again. I stuck to that plan. Calling your ex is like placing your hand on a hot burner each time you do it- How long do you want to keep touching a hot stove?

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It was been a while since I've "Dated". I've gone out with women and kept things light, but have not really let my heart get involved. My walls are still up, and I don't plan on leting someone come in and ruin my recovery. It will take someone very special and worthy or me to open myself up again.

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I know everyone on here goes on and on about no contact- I can't stress how right they are. I allowed myself ONE call to gain closure, and swore off calling her again. I stuck to that plan. Calling your ex is like placing your hand on a hot burner each time you do it- How long do you want to keep touching a hot stove?


You are so, so right. It's good to come here as an alumni.


For all you first - timers, there's light at the end of the tunnel. And for all you returnees, there's light at the end of the tunnel. Keep on truckin'.

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