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L-D-R's soooo very tough? or is it all in the mind?

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okay. I've been in long-distance relationships before and I've had some luck and i have had a lot of bad luck with ldr's. In a lot of my ldr's the other person has always told me that they can't be with me cuz of the distance..why do they keep on telling me this, when I have n problem with being in an ldr with someone.

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LDRs are not for everyone. Some people cope better with being apart from people than other people do. And some people cope with the trust issues better than others. They can work, if both people are willing to make it work, and if there is an endgame for making it no more long distance. But not everyone likes them or can cope with them, and so will avoid them.

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Being in an LDR can have a very harsh effect on some people. I was in an LDR for nearly two years, and at times it was heart-breaking to be so far away from him! It usually takes a great deal of emotional and mental stamina to continue in an LDR, and some people just aren't suited for it!

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