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Shy while making out?

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Hey all,

Earlier tonight my girlfriend told me that I was shy while we make out, she couldn't explain it, but she said it wasn't a bad thing. Does anyone know what she is talking about? Or anyother way to explain it?





Maybe she means that you are not the "experimenting" type, like you don't do anything new. Or she could mean that you are never an aggressive kisser. Why don't you ask her instead of us? You'd probably get a more accurate answer.

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Shy guy and shy kisser here to help you.


Probably means you aren't aggressive and that your kisses tend to be more soft, gentle, and delicate. You aren't grabbing her and pulling her to you, letting go with long deep kisses with your mouth all over her. In my experience, the one you are doing it is best. Light touches with your lips, slow and sensual, girls love it. It's more emotional and romantic. Will send tingles through your girlfriend, and make her very happy.


Are you sure normally? If so, then its natural that carries over into your kisses. And its another reason girls like shy guys, they tend to naturally understand what pleases a women better. And please the women, and she'll please you.

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ShySoul is right. Girls love the slow, soft, and sensual kiss because it is romantic. I have to say something though that contradicts ShySoul just a little bit (sorry I'm not doing it to be a jerk or anything, ShySoul). Every once in awhile we women want passion more than anything else. It feels good when my boyfriend pulls me close to him, holds me tight, and kisses me in a more aggressive way because I'm like "WOW! He really wants me!"... and this is a GREAT feeling! Women are just as sexual as men and a more arousing kiss can often blow your girl's mind!

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No problem Boricua, you are anything but a jerk.


You are right and I was even thinking that as I made my post. Sometimes you should be a little more aggressive. It shows you want her. I think the way to go is to be gentle and romantic most of the time, so that when you do something more aggressive it takes her by surprise and sweeps her off her feet. Being unexpected adds to the intensity of it. And in my experience girls want the romance more, so thats why the gentle kisses are used more often.


Besides, in the heat of the moment when you are really getting into it, the kisses can become more aggressive without you even noticing.

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No problem Boricua, you are anything but a jerk.


You are right and I was even thinking that as I made my post. Sometimes you should be a little more aggressive. It shows you want her. I think the way to go is to be gentle and romantic most of the time, so that when you do something more aggressive it takes her by surprise and sweeps her off her feet. Being unexpected adds to the intensity of it. And in my experience girls want the romance more, so thats why the gentle kisses are used more often.


Besides, in the heat of the moment when you are really getting into it, the kisses can become more aggressive without you even noticing.


ShySoul is right, sponteniatey is always appreciated! Romance is a big thing for women so loving kisses are what makes or breaks the deal. Showing you want her every once in awhile though is sure to "sweep her off her feet". Another point well taken, the more "hot and heavy" things get, the more passion will slip in between your lips and that is never ever a bad thing!

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Thanks guys, very nice answers But I'm not really a shy person, in general. (on a scale from 1-10, with 10 being really shy and 1 not at all, I'm probably a 3 or 4) But when we are kissing, I can definetly tell that she is more aggressive than I am. But i'll try and be a little more aggressive everyonce in a while.

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Kissing is a different ball game. Even the most outgoing of people can be shy when kissing. And shy people can also be aggressive. Each person has their own style, and each style is good. Her's is more aggressive, so maybe she finds your shy style a change of pace and is exciting. Hey, maybe she's the kind of girl that likes to be in charge when kissing or being intimate. And there's nothing wrong with that.

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