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Don't know what to think..

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I ended up getting to know this girl, through a friend, and I really don't know what to make of her. Well.. I do have a huge crush on her already, but I have no idea what she will do next, I am shy and quiet, and she is loud and in your face and very straight to the point about almost everything.


I guess the question in my mind is, is she actually expressing interest in me? She made a game of calling me every pet name she could think of, and then making up more. (And then owning my facebook wall with them..


Or at a gas station i overheard a couple guys say something to the effect of "yeah right man, not gonna happen" with a response of "but shes so hot" etc.. and i made a mention of that to her cause I thought she would enjoy that.. and she went up to them and starting talking to them and then said something like "oh wait.. can't talk any more my boyfriend is listening" and then came over and hugged me...



I'm starting small and asking her to catch a movie with me, which she has already agreed to, and possibly dinner.



But I guess I am curious if there are any girls who might have that same in your face attitude, that might have any suggestions of things they would like.

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Girls that are 'in your face' are the same as the rest.


Treating her well and respecting that she is naturally a loud person is good enough. A movie and dinner sounds great. Dont let her loudness intimidate you, being loud is sometimes a cover for being a bit shy, or maybe she is just a confident person.


Good luck and remember to be yourself!

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I guess the question in my mind is, is she actually expressing interest in me? She made a game of calling me every pet name she could think of, and then making up more. (And then owning my facebook wall with them..


Ok,This doesnt really show that she may be intrested in u!.I mean a few of my friends did simalr things wen i first met them.But now that i know them,I look back and laugh at the times i thought of it as something else.


Or at a gas station i overheard a couple guys say something to the effect of "yeah right man, not gonna happen" with a response of "but shes so hot" etc.. and i made a mention of that to her cause I thought she would enjoy that.. and she went up to them and starting talking to them and then said something like "oh wait.. can't talk any more my boyfriend is listening" and then came over and hugged me...


Now this clearly shows she is interested in u.She stood for u against those people.And ur doing the rite thing.She already said yes for going out wid u.There is nothing to be worried about.


Good luck!

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Just a little update /further quandry:


im strangely comfortable with that though, i've made it 22 years just fine without sex, I just think it would be nice to have someone to hold hands with or cuddle during a movie.


It's alot easier to say that here, then to her.. but i eluded to it using your puppy dog comment.. that got a good chuckle .. so thx for that. I had a decent chat with her recently , where she said basically "if you're going to be straight with me about what you are thinking then i'll let yo know what I am thinking back, I just go with the flow until I'm asked directly not to. " So.. now i just need to figure out how to make myself say what I feel to her face.


Any other advice?

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Good to hear its working dis way.


Hmm u dont need any advice if ur gonna tell her exactly wats on ur mind.No pre-plannning requiered.I would suggest u try to be a little humorous if u have to say something dats tough to say..U can always get away with it dis way!.. its a one on one convo n its face to face.

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She's leading you by the nose and she thinks she has a good friend.


She'll treat you like an untrained puppy:


You're cute, cuddily, and great for her to carry around and show her friends...



But there's no way she let you up on the bed.


Words of wisdom.

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i am an one of those in your face type girls. as bold and confident as we seem on the outside, we can be just as shy as you quiet types when it comes to romance. a lot of times, we're just waiting for you nice shy types to make a move on us! i would keep making steps, esp. since she hasn't shot you down yet. good luck!

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