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Am i a nasty person ????????

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Okay ladies,


There are always posts on here from the ladies asking what us guys are attracted to you. This just proves the whole point, don't get insecure with your looks because looks are REALLY subjective!!!!!



As for the foot fettish, it's not nasty...we all have parts on the female body we like. I personally like a women's lower back, does that make "me" weird? Well I don't care if it does!!!!! hehe.



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No, there's nothing wrong!!


The only time something like this can be harmful, is (for an example) when a guy is obsessed with a girl being as thin as possible, and she feels the pressure to do this. This can be very unhealthy. The small feet is a natural thing someone is born with, so there's nothing wrong with liking it!

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Hey dreamer, happy again....


As guys, we all hav things we like in a woman and a lot are general features. Some ppl find the eyes most attractive, some ppl like the hair the b in a particular way and u, u just might like small delicate feet and find them cute. There is totally nothing wrong wif that, we all hav our own thoughts and likings.


Ur liking of small feet is not new, I think in History a long way back I learnt that the chinese often wrapped their daughters' feet up so that they'd b small and apprently ppl did like small feet 2, so u're definitely not the first!


Happy Heb

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To elaborate on heb's post, the tradition was to actually break the bones in their feet and wrap them underneath, as to fit into the smallest shoe or slipper possible.... *Ouch*, I can only imagine what that would be like.


But it's definitely nothing new!


Man I hope my girl doesn't like small feet, I've got hobbit feet (LOTR fans know what I'm talking about, big and hairy)




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  • 4 weeks later...

I was gonna post about foot binding, but Lina and Heb beat me to it.

Liking small feet is not nasty. Even if we're talking foot fetish here, it's not really nasty. If a need for a woman with small feet becomes overwhelming and that's all you can focus on, well that's where you may start to verge into a different issue....

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  • 2 months later...

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