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I woke up today... and realized "HEY YOU! YOU BETTER GET WITH THE PROGRAM!" I've really been slacking off in school and when i woke up today I realized that I will be graduating in 2 years. I look around and there are things that I would love to have, but I know that I will never have any of those without a good job.... I always promised myself that I would be successful and wealthy in life, because I don't want to look back and regret anything later in life. I realize time is getting closer to where I finally have to make some important decisions with my life, but I don't know what type of job will bring in good money. I need some ideas of what I could do to make good money, I don't want to be a doctor or lawyer. I was wanting to be a CPA but I'm not sure that is going to work out the way I want it to... im feeling sortof down right now, my GPA isnt the best, I think its about a 3.0 right now, and with exams coming up this week which i havent studied for.... is it too late? all that matters is how good I do in college right? I'm so confused... life can be tough.

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all that matters is how good I do in college right?


Wrong. I thought that for the longest time, but was...should i say, slapped back to reality earlier this year. Most colleges look at your high school grades, and take them into concideration. It's best to take the hardest courses you can handle, colleges give props for that. They'd rather see you make B's in honors classes than A's in regular ones. Besides, the habits you form during high school stay with you in college. If you slack off and breeze through your high school years, do you really think you'll be able to be successfull in college? It is much harder.


As far as jobs go, I'm in the same position as you. This year I've been hit pretty hard with college worries, future, etc. The usual. What do you enjoy doing? Which subjects in school do you enjoy the most? What are your talents? Answers to that may be able to point you in a right direction. Don't plan your future thinking "Ok, which job will pay more." You won't be happy with it. Try to find something with good income AND that you're interested in.


Well, that's my two cents


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I just posted, but don't see it, so here goes again.


As for your 3.0 in HS, don't let that get you down. Its not that bad. Sure, you won't get as many scholarships as a 4.0 student, but you should have no trouble getting into most colleges. I guess I may add that I was unsure about my future, so I attended a community college for a couple of years to get the basics out of the way. Its much cheaper than universities, and most classes transfer, so in reality your final piece of paper (diploma) comes from university anyway. Community colleges are much more personal, and an easy transition from highschool.


As for what to do. Explore your options. I realize a good paycheck is important in todays expensive world, but don't pick your carreer solely on the paycheck. That will NOT lead to happiness. There are tons of good paying jobs for educated people.


If you have good self-discipline, I would consider starting a business, because I guarantee you that you will not get rich working for somebody else.


Good luck.

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Besides, the habits you form during high school stay with you in college. If you slack off and breeze through your high school years, do you really think you'll be able to be successfull in college? It is much harder.



Thats far from true. Some people do complete 180's once they hit a college campus... I know people who did really well in highschool and slack off in college b/c of partying and what not. I know slackers who turned into complete bookworms.


I didnt do that well in highschool especially the first 2 years. Im doing really well now that Im in college. It really depends on your personality type some people just really hate highschool(I know I did) college offes alot more freedom than highschool....picking classes that you actually care about...choosing what time you want to go to school...blah, blah,blah.


Dont base your entire life on how well you do in highschool and a 3.0 isnt bad dont beat yourself up just try & do your best. Yes, highschool is important but you can always bounce back and become successful!!!

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Jobs typically require a certian skill, or a set of skills. It is not so much where you learned it, but the fact that you have that skill, so you can apply it to real life situations. I'm sure there are high school drop-outs who later went back to school, took things more seriously, got their degree, and got a job they loved.


What you didn't do in high school is usually available elsewhere. Even though the institution different, the material is generally the same.

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