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I'd love some help.

I met this girl ages ago and we were always hanging out together I could sorta tell that she liked me. (She'd press up next to me occasionally, I'd catch her staring at me and she was always begging to hang out together.) But I just acted as a friend to her for ages and it seems like she kinda gave up or stopped being interested in me. I then realised I liked her and asked her out and she seemed keen. We have been going out for a month now and she says she likes me, but she never wants to hang out there is always some excuse like im tired or im not feeling well. When we do hang out its only for a short time because she wants to go home early. When we are together most of the time she is comfortable but she also gives out the don't touch me bodylanguage quite a bit. Ever since we started dating its been this way. I've asked her about and she either ignores me or says she doesn't know, but when I threaten to break up with her she gets a little upset saying she wants to be with me but then it just goes on the same way.

I've never had a relationship like this.


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guess you've to talk to her, maybe sghe's having a rough time dealing with something, maybe something other than your relatinoship is on her mind..maybe she's havin "women" problems..so i'd say set a night of surprises for her..like pick her up from her place to go to a nice dinner..somthing out of the unusual or something totally new, something that you havent experienced but also something that is not stressing..set the mood, have a good time, give her a chance to open up..maybe something would come out! good luck!

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