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Insomnia... why? And why so long?

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Why does a person have insomnia? I can fall asleep just fine -- it's STAYING asleep that I am having a problem with and have had for a looooong time now, about 8 months. I've taken sedatives to help me sleep but they leave me groggy in the mornings so I try not to rely on them. I dream a lot and many of them are of people chasing me or of me drowning... the two kinds that I have dreamt about all my life. There hasn't been anything traumatic in my life really. I mean, I'm in a great relationship and everything and when I fall asleep, I don't have anything really on my mind. Given that there were times where I was constantly worrying about my bf and stuff in our relationship but since I've learned to put 100% trust in him, our life together couldn't be better. I was thinking that maybe it was my worrying that caused the insomnia but now that I don't worry anymore, why won't it go away?


What are some things that you guys have found that help you sleep thru the entire night? Warm bath doesn't help; warm milk doesn't help. Please help me if you have any ideas. Thanks!

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I personally haven't found somethign that keeps my asleep through the entire night and there's probably about one night a month is that that I manage to sleep through the entire night. This has been going on for probably a year now. I find tha if I wake up in the night the best thing I did if I felt I couldn't fall back asleep quickly was to get up and do somthing. Try reading a book or somethign. Good luck

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I could be due to a number of reasons:stress

diet, etc.


Here are some websites about it.






Some of the best things that have helped me:


*cut out caffeine and sugar within 4 hours of bedtime.


*only use your bedroom for sleep and sex- if you tend to watch TV, read in bed, etc- you end up not associating your bedroom with sleeping


*perform a relaxation routine before bed- stretch out, meditate, take deep breaths


*exercise every day (I exercise in the morning)- by the time you are ready for bed, you'll get a much better sleep since your body will be quite tired




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