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Left Wondering

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The day after new years me and some friends rented a hotel room. One of my friends brought his friends friend along. This kid used to live in the area but now lives 45 minutes away. One of his friends just died, thats why he was in the area. We talked till 6:00 am when everyone else was asleep. I found him attractive and very nice. We feel asleep and the next morning I woke up and left for work, while the kid I liked was still sleeping. Then I thought to myself oh no we never exchanged numbers or anything. When my friend was driving the boys home he asked where I was, then when he was getting out of the car he said "Tell your friend...tell her Thank You" I dont know if he was thinking the same thing I was thinking about exchanging numbers, maybe he was to shy to tell my friend he wanted my number. or if we were going to see eachother again. I have no idea what he's thinking. His friend says he comes back on the weekends sometimes...Im not sure what he thinks, because I thought we clicked and had somethings in common or else I wouldn't have stayed up all night with him.

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Why don't you ask your friend to get his email address instead... email can be alot less threatening than a phone call. Then if the emails go ok you can make more personal contact. Sending someone a friendly email is definitely not obsessed. I'd probably just ask him how hes going... after a traumatic experience like that, someone showing that they care enough to ask can mean the world to people.


Hope it goes well!

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I think it depends on what and how you convey whatever message you want to convey. A simple message such as he is welcome and can talk to you anytime, let him know you thought the conversationo was significant. So ong as you leave it at that and try to get off the phone within a minute or so, then it's not obsessed. If you try to talk for a while, you risk that.

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