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What do I do??


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Ok. So the other day my friends and I had a big gathering and whatnot. I was sitting on the couch and so was the girl who I like very much....I believe she likes me too, since she has shown signs of it recently, including this gathering I'm talking about. She sat down and leaned in very close to me......and yeah....as a spur of the moment, we kissed. I don't know what to do now. I want to talk to her about it, but I have no idea what to say? Should I mention the kiss or should I just ask her out and not mention it at all?



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The less you talk, the longer you will last.


How can they know eachother without talking ? Maybe you mean that he doesnt talk alot without necessary, so he wont appear desperate or something.. But in general try to talk to her more...


ohh and maybe you mean that he let his actions talk.. Well also good but he needs to talk to her so they know eachother well..

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I agree.


Don't talk about the kiss. It could be a touchy subject, uncomfortable for both of you. But if you don't bring it up, she'll also be wondering why, thus be more intrigued.


Ask her out, treat it like a normal first date, trying to win her over for that first kiss you already had

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Do something together. If you are too nervous or shy, you don't have to make out like its a date, just the two of you spending time together.


Treat her well, have a good time, get to know each other better.


Follow your heart. If you are feeling confused about the kiss and want to know what it means, then go ahead and talk about it. She is probably feeling just as confused as you are right now. Why not get your feelings out there? Say that you do like her, that you wanted to kiss her and enjoyed it, but that you are confused about what it means and what is going to happen with you two. Take things slow and work on getting more of a relationship going. But don't pretend it never happened. That could cause her to doubt how you feel and what you are thinking about it, maybe thinking she made a mistake.

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How can they know eachother without talking ? Maybe you mean that he doesnt talk alot without necessary, so he wont appear desperate or something.. But in general try to talk to her more...


ohh and maybe you mean that he let his actions talk.. Well also good but he needs to talk to her so they know eachother well..

I mean exactly what I said - ask her a lot of questions and get to know her. That means ask a question, then shut your mouth and listen to her. Then based on what she says, you may want to ask her another question based on her answer.




Him: So have you lived around here long?

Her: No, only a few years.

Him: Really? Where'd you live before that?

Her: I used to live in San Francisco.

Him: You did? I've always wanted to go there. What was your favorite part about the city?


If he keeps his mouth shut he is less likely to say something stupid, like us guys always seem to do. This does not mean to NEVER say anything, it just means to try to do less than 50% of the talking.


And yes, this ACTION shows her he is listening, paying attention, interested, etc. and is not totally into himself.


Sorry, guess I should have clarified!

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Conversation should be 50/50. More, you are hogging it and not showing her enough attention. Less, she needs to know about you too you know. Think. If both people suscribed to the idea of needing to be less then 50%, you aren't going to be getting very far. So really, just let the conversation flow naturally. Don't think about who needs to say more. Just let things go with the conversation takes you.

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I mean exactly what I said - ask her a lot of questions and get to know her. That means ask a question, then shut your mouth and listen to her. Then based on what she says, you may want to ask her another question based on her answer.


Yes for sure i agree, listening for her is an important thing..


Conversation should be 50/50. More, you are hogging it and not showing her enough attention. Less, she needs to know about you too you know. Think. If both people suscribed to the idea of needing to be less then 50%, you aren't going to be getting very far. So really, just let the conversation flow naturally. Don't think about who needs to say more. Just let things go with the conversation takes you.


Exactly, its a two way street.. You do some talking and she do some.. Dont talk alot that she loses respect to you nor talk less that she loses interest..

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