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Screams by Outcast-Angel

I screamed. I cried.

Where were you the night I died?

Bereaved of hope, of heart

Of life, of you

I stood on my own

I stumbled, I bled

Didn't you hear

My gut wrenching terror

Didn't you feel

Our connection destroyed?

I screamed. I cried.

Torn from safety, from warmth

From reason

I fell, so alone

Landed in our nightmare

Didn't you see?

Death was upon me.

Didn't you care?

I screamed. I cried.

I bled. I died.

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You'll find ways to put in other emotions to your work. Right now though sadness and sorrow seems to be the feelings that come out. It's like that for most people. Seems people only turn to poetry when they are hurting. But as long as you are expressing yourself, whatever feeling comes out is fine.

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You'll find ways to put in other emotions to your work. Right now though sadness and sorrow seems to be the feelings that come out. It's like that for most people. Seems people only turn to poetry when they are hurting. But as long as you are expressing yourself, whatever feeling comes out is fine.

it's not just right now though. i wrote Screams when i was 17.. and none of the emotions have changed. i tried to write something when i was happy. it just didn't jive. it sounded so choppy, and there didn't seem to be any point to it. i do notice that the majority of poetry is devoted to those sentiments of loneliness, sadness or love/romance. and a little bit of anger. i guess we could just say that poetry is on the darker side of the literary arts.. and i don't think that i'd want it to be otherwise.

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It's because when most people are elated they want to be celebrating it and living in it, not sitting around writing poetry. But when you feel horrible, all you want to do is sit around and think about how horrible you feel, hence you write about it.


i think i'd like to take a few moments to savor feeling of elation, write it down so i could read it later, when i'm feeling down, so i could at least remember what it was like.. and that i am capable of those emotions. but maybe i'm just weird.

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i think i'd like to take a few moments to savor feeling of elation, write it down so i could read it later, when i'm feeling down, so i could at least remember what it was like.. and that i am capable of those emotions. but maybe i'm just weird.


That's the right attitude and more people should do that. Unfortunately, I don't a lot of people remember to do that. Just trying to come up with an explanation why most poetry seems to be depressing.

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Happiness ain't hard to achieve. Just gotta not look for the bad in all you do. Be more positive. When you see a situation to step ahead of a classmate to show what you have up in your head, go for it. You fail? try again. Thats how a lot of life is.




i've always loved how some people judge the level of difficulty in a task by how easily they themselves could accomplish it.. for example.. i can pop my shoulders and hips in and out of place with little pain, and hardly any effort. but lots of people have to go to hospitals to have others pop their dislocations back in properly. or maybe it's more appropriate to compare strength. my dad can bench way more than i, with ease. but if i, or anyone else with less strength than he has, tried to do the same number of bench presses with the same weight, we'd hurt ourselves. happiness isn't as attainable as you think is is, for some people. it's easy to say that things will look better, if only a person stops looking for the bad in every situation. but when it comes up and bites you in the butt, it's a little bit hard to ignore. i'd suggest that you do some reading up on depression before you start judging people here. there's a lot more to it than just needing to decide to be more positive about things. also.. i'm not in school. i graduated HS 2 years ago. but for those who are still in HS, i'd suggest using your knowledge to help you classmates rather than showing them up. sure, don't hold back on tests or projects, or in group discussions. to do so would be denying the others in your class a chance to see things from a unique perspective. but don't rub it in their faces that you're better at something than they are.. because they will be better than you are at something, even if they don't know it.

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I agree 100% there with Outcast-Angel - how about you become depressed ForAnother and then lets see if you say that the same??


Your porm OA - its sweet, bueatiful. Sure, its sad and depressing, but isnt it better to write about it then to just sit there and think about it? I sure think it is. Remember, through thick and thin, up and down, there will always be people wanting to help you.


About the reason for poems - its because (from my perspective) when people are depressed they want to let others know. But they dont talk about whats wrong, only what they feel. A poem is the most creative way with deepest impact.

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About the reason for poems - its because (from my perspective) when people are depressed they want to let others know. But they dont talk about whats wrong, only what they feel. A poem is the most creative way with deepest impact.


that does makes sense, but a lot of people who write poems like that don't ever show them to anyone. i mean, i've been writing them for years, but this is really the first place that i've ever shown them to anyone. poetry can be a very strong way of expressing emotion though, and it is a good way of working through the moment.. because you have to think of the wording and such, instead of how much emotion you're feeling.

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The first thing that captured my attention was the rhythm of the words you used.


Question: How many times do you edit a poetry before you post it?


^_^ thanks.. it actually depends on the poem.. this one i only edited once.. just to make sure the spelling was good, and that the wording was how i wanted it. i don't think i even really changed anything. some of the others i've edited as many as 4 or 5 times though, scrapping or re-writing lines i don't like, finishing others that otherwise seem unfinished.. and definitely checking the spelling, and trying to get it all to flow the way i want it to.


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