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jealous of his friends


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ok so my boyfriend might be going out today with his friends and they happen to be girls and that doesnt bother me that he has friends that are girls its that he is going with a girl that he dumped me for 3 months ago. And her friend that was trying to get him to go out with that girl while he was still dating me. i know he doesnt like my guy friends and i dont hang around with my guy friends do to my parents saying it isnt right. but any way i m so nervous. i dont know these girls they go to a differnt school then me and my boyfriend,ihave never talked to these girls,they are a year younger then me and they are the same age as my boyfriend.One of them has a boyfriend but the one that i got dumped for doesnt and i dont know what to do think!! i think i trust him. i have been with him for 7 months and he cheated on one of girlfriends before. So i dont know if he can be trusted!! i m not going to tell him how i feel because i dont want him to know how jealous i can get and i want him to think i trust him and plus i want to see what happeneds if he does go and if i tell him how i feel he wont go just to make me happy. what can i do to trust him?

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I agree, its not so much jealousy as an issue of trust and security with the relationship. He has cheated on one girl, and he left you for another girl not long ago. It's understandable that you are suspicous and nervous about him spending time with another girl, especially the one he left you for.


How long did it last between them? How long have you been back together? If they weren't together long then there couldn't have been much there and I wouldn't think he would try to get back with her. Hopefully he sees it as a mistake and has learned his lesson. If you haven't been back together long, the scars from the experience haven't healed yet. It will take time but hopefully you can get back to a point where you are both secure in the relationship.


If it really bothers you, talk to him about it. Relationships need open, honest communnication to work. If you do then perhaps he will give you reassuring words and that will calm you down. Or perhaps he doesn't fully understand how you feel and needs to be told. Just keep it nice and pleasant, not angry, but still let him know exactly how you feel.

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