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He opened his door waiting for me to decide? Prefer guys advice.

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I broke up with this guy 2 weeks ago because he had a bad temper plus we fought a lot. However, the following Monday after we broke up he sent an email. He said "I am sorry things didn't work out. But I really think you are a sweet girl just we are too different. Please let me take care of Rocky (my dog) whenever you get out of town and let me know if you ever need anything --- Your friend (his name goes here)". And I replied asking him to relax and not to think too much (Because I wasn't sure if I really wanted to get back to him). Then after one week, I really had to get out of town for 4 days so I emailed him if he still wanted to take care Rocky,but indicating him it's okay to say No if he didn't want to. He replied he would love to help me out....

On Christmas day, I came to his house to pick up Rocky. I brough him a pair of funny slippers. He wore them on instantly saying he really loved them. Then he said my dog could come to his house at any time. Also when he walked me out, he said he almost went fishing today (we used to do it together and it's his favuorite hobby) and then he offered a big hug. I feel we still like each other, beacuse we were genuinely happy to see each other again, but i don't want to assume anything. So for all guys, would you be that nice to your ex gf if you don't like them anymore? My plan is to hang out with him as a friend first and then I might get back with him if things go well. Any tips on how to act on that? He hasn't contacted me or asked me out yet since i left him on Xmas day

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