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Me V. S. the Bathroom

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Has anyone ever had this feeling before.. About Going to the bathroom in a public place....not anywhere else. at home it's OK, but in a place where you feel paranoid that other people might enter the bathroom. sort of KILLS the urge to go pee. or even thinking about someone coming in would slow the process down.....I get this feeling sometimes..not alot. mostly at work, if i need to use the bathroom I'll go to the one up stairs where no-one else uses that much. it just makes me more relaxed. and able to get it over with...Iv 'e read this before in a book, that alot of people have this same feeling towards Public Bathroom use. and what struck me was ALOT of people have it but don't relize it's a sign of them being a INSECURE person. lack of confidence, or being SHY, and many more that i can't remember now...just if anyone has this same "problem" or knows someone who does, don't make me feel like the only person here. cause i know the book was right, when it said over 16% of American people have this same "problem" that were asked. or feel uncomfortable using public bathrooms.

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i used to get that feeling alot too. But now im fine. I used to be very shy and very insecure. I believed that no one could like me, and such and such...But now i have a GF, and have done many things to help with my confidence and self esteem. And now its pretty easy to use a public restroom, i hate to sit down on the seats though. THat, to me, is just kinda nasty.

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You care too much what people think.


You see to successfully pee in front of an audience (women really have no understanding of the joy it is to be a guy and pee or shower in front of other guys) you just can't care.


The truth is that no one should be looking at your little man. If you're standing there peeing and someone looks at your guy, as if to see how big it is, glare at him. Ask him if he wants to hold it. Would he like a picture because you can sign it too if he's a collector.


It's all based on insecurity. Why guys hate dancing. Truth is in both cases (peeing and dancing) no one cares, they're all worried about looking like an ass themselves.

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d00d... Sometimes I have to go sooo bad, I walk up to the urinal and no matter how bad or what I do, I just can't pee.....


Regardless of whether I think people "are checkin out my little man" there is just something bout public restrooms / urinals I cant pee in em... And I thought I was the only one....



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Funny you should post this question. I have a friend who'll never use the urinals in a men's toilets if we're in a bar or club. He'll always use a cubicle, even if he has to wait on one whilst the urinals are free. My other friends and i tease him (although not in a nasty way) but i never really thought that it might be a problem that lots of people have, or have thought too much about why he does it.

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I dont think this thing with the bathroom is a sign of shyness or low self-esteem, then maybe its just me who feels this way.


Does anyone have this problem where you can only pee in public restrooms counting the workplace bathrooms. If I have to do something else other than pee..I had to hold it and do it at home. Weird isn't it?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate to admit this to my family here at the forum but the truth is...My significant other and I use the bathroom in front of one another. I hope that does not gross anyone out..because to be honest..I think its funny. Most people think Men's gas just smells bad but i"m here to tell ya...men have 12 times worse of a smell when they do number #2. We have gotten so close that we actually rate eachother. I so far have only gotten as far as a 6 but him....I'll give him a great 11. I mean wow you guys he is aweful!!






I do not like however going to the public to do this...because I have a serious paranoia about someone busting in on me. I mean that would kill me!

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