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Ok, I've made posts about this before but I think I have it figured out a little better right now. I'll give you some info on this girl but the point is I'm pretty sure she likes me, but she said no to me a while back to dating.


Ok so she had a bf when she was like 11. She hasn't dated since and really has very minimal experience with guys. She is not the player type or anything and I find it very unlikely that she would "use" a guy or "string him along." We met through a mutual friend and started chatting online. I got her to sneak out of the house once and we hung out by the falls. It was a lot of fun and we chased each other around the park and we sat by the water and she asked me what I'd most like to do, so I kissed her on the cheek. I asked her the same and she said she didn't know. We had about another hour or something together then I took her home. I stopped before her house so she wouldn't get caught, and she finally answered the question by kissing me on the cheek then running home (she actually ran but not because she was late or anything). So I thought things were going great and I was gonna ask her out again, till a friend of hers (who used to like me but nothing ever happened between us and I have no idea if this other girl ever knew or not) asked her if we had hooked up. I was kinda put in a corner there so I told her that I did like her but it was online which I hated! So I asked if she wanted to go on a date and she hesitated in saying yes. I called her up the next day and asked if she liked me or not and she said no she just wanted to tell me face to face.


I was pretty crushed for a while but decided I didn't want to lose her as a friend so I kept chatting and hanging out with her. Well, pretty soon I guess I couldn't help but starting to like her again, except she was still receptive to my flirting. She kicked her parents out of the house to let me be able to get over there so we could watch a movie together. They never found out I was there, hopefully they keep not catching us lol. Well I figured that's just how things would have to be till I went to the mall with her and a friend of hers. We flirted as usual and had a lot of fun. Later when I left and got online her friend asked me if I still liked her cuz we were pretty obviously flirting. I said it doesn't matter because she said no. Her friend said true but she does like me. Her exact words were "you're not supposed to know this but xxx she does like you, i mean she does kinda like you but shhhh." So that just killed me right there. I really do still like this girl and now I'm not just guessing she likes me, her friend is telling me the same.


So since then I haven't really gotten the chance to see her (just over a week ago) just because we would have to go out of our ways and bit and I didn't feel like asking her to do anything this weekend (not that I'm always the one asking the weekend before she asked). I have talked to her every day online though because we always end up doing that. I never initiate it anymore, she IMs me every time. Once I decided I wanted to avoid her for a bit but eventually got on late at night and she was like where have you been! Another friend had this little prank think where u put in ur 3 crushes and it sends it tells you if they are "the one" but it really just sends it to an email. Well we were playing around with it and giving each other funny answers. So I give it to her, I donno if I didn't think she'd fall for it or if I thought she'd put me or what. Well she put me and 2 other guys, both ppl I knew she had a crush on in the past, one she maybe still does but he's in college and it's kinda like one of those stupid hs crushes that a girl has on an older guy. Well she blew it of as that guy in college and get "guy friends," but she never pretended she wasn't fooled. I kinda regret sending it though cuz I donno what she thought of it, that's not exactly what I expected. Anyway I don't think it mattered too much.


The main thing she does with me online when she wants to flirt I guess is she asks me if she can sleep on my shoulder and she usually "curls up in a ball and sleeps on my shoulder." When we are actually out together we've never really been together that late at night for her to be tired but when I put my hands around her even if I'm not intending to really hug her or anything sometimes I'll find her just leaning her head in on my chest a little bit and trying to lean on me. Once she even did it while we were walking and we almost stumbled because I was completely not intending or expecting it.


So I'm trying to figure out what to do about her. There are several reason I can think of that she said no. I could have moved too fast and she wasn't ready or decided, it could have been that she just doesn't know what she wants from me, it could be that she was hesitant because of that kid in college who she knows and admits they will never go out lol but I guess girls are like that sometimes. It might also be that her parents haven't set down any dating rules for her or anything but I'm not sure that'd be it seeing as how I've met them and they like me but they also don't always know she's doing stuff with me.


Just as some extra info, she had a dream about me and her playing in the park before that original time we actually went to the park (before she said no) which is one reason I asked her there specifically in the first place. A friend of ours once said she also had a dream about having my baby (this was quite a bit later I think) but she never told me about that herself.


So about what to do. I don't think I can let her ask me out because she is and has admitted to being a "hopeless romantic." Basically she told me that she would never ask a guy out because that's his job. So I can do one of two things in my opinion. Either wait for the right moment and land a real kiss of her and see what she does and maybe something will go from there, or just wait for a romantic moment and tell her that I like her again. Either way I'll try to get physically closer with her first I guess.


So my question is what do you guys and girls think is the best thing to do about this situation? Am I deluded despite all the what I've said and the fact that even her friend says she likes me? Would a girl not have a relationship just because she said no once even if it was because she was asked too soon or was confused or has now changed her mind? Does she maybe like me but is not ready for a relationship? She specifically told me that she couldn't date a friend because when the relationship ended things would get weird. I tried to (and this wasn't in the context of us) convince her that that isn't true but she didn't believe me. Could that be why she doesn't want to go out with me? Is there any way to change that? Sorry it was so long, any advice would be great. Thanks. Also if you want more details ask, though I think I've tried to get it as detailed as I can.

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Diggity I know you're view. You are free to say it but I just don't understand you lol. Like you almost depress me you're like if a girl doesn't respond to you within the first 5 minutes of meeting her she's gone (I know I'm exaggerating there). Well I have trouble believe that. Maybe you can explain your resoning a bit?



Oh, and if you could tell me what you think she's thinking that'd help a lot! Like if you can tell me why she would not be interested in me but be like this with me that would really help. Thanks.

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I'm not going to be much better than DiggityDog I reckon... sorry! I really don't mean to be harsh, but I've done the same thing you are doing. I even took it a step further. I managed to get Jen in bed. And guess what? She said "What the he** am I doing?" and walked out. I never saw her again.


You would not believe what a stupid mistake that was on my part. Now, onto you, and your questions.


Again, keep in mind that I have MADE this same mistake you are about to make, and I have done it many times. So, learn from experience!


I kissed her on the cheek.

This sounds familiar. Didn't we go over this? While that was fun for you, it did nothing for her and was not really mature. I mean, first date kiss - did you ever imagine it would be on your cheek? Neither did she.


I asked if she wanted to go on a date and she hesitated in saying yes.

Hesitated? Bad sign. A woman who is really interested would jump at the opportunity to be with you, come hell or high water! My last GF ditched her parents at Thanksgiving Dinner to be with me! Wow, talk about interest level in me!


I called her up the next day and asked if she liked me or not

You dropped a bomb on her. Why? What happened to being funny, having fun, being a flirt? You went from cool to fool in one line. Rule of thumb here is to never TALK about your feelings to a woman, just SHOW her with action how you feel for her. Spend time with her, don't lecture her on your feelings.


I didn't want to lose her as a friend so I kept chatting and hanging out with her.

You supplicated yourself to her by ignoring her refusal. This made you lose lots of points because an "alpha" male, so to speak, would not trail around a woman who rejected him. He would go find a better woman. Yeah, you've got a friend, but not a lover and not a chance.


Her friend said true but she does like me. Her exact words were "you're not supposed to know this but xxx she does like you, i mean she does kinda like you but shhhh."

The friend is playing match maker, which is a very dangerous thing. You should NEVER talk to friends. If the friend does not like you, then leading you on so you put moves on her will make you look like a fool, she'll dump you, and you'll be the laughing stock of all the girls. Women are a LOT smarter than you when it comes to this stuff, you're going to get burned.


I have talked to her every day online though because we always end up doing that. I never initiate it anymore, she IMs me every time.

Friendzoned. Remember, friends are pen-pals, lovers spend time together.


The main thing she does with me online when she wants to flirt I guess is she asks me if she can sleep on my shoulder and she usually "curls up in a ball and sleeps on my shoulder."

E-cuddling? What in the world is that? It's not intimate, it's talk. Talk is cheap.


There are several reason I can think of that she said no.

1. She is not interested in you.

2. .... um ...


Okay, no more reasons, we're done there.


A friend of ours once said ...

Talking to friends again? Dangerous. Bad move. Really bad move.


she would never ask a guy out because that's his job.

Yes, and you did it, and she said no. Why can't you respect that? It's so WRONG to totally disregard her decision. It's like you are going behind her back trying to figure out how to trick her into liking you. It is so deceitful. Are you aware of this at all?


wait for the right moment and land a real kiss of her and see what she does

Like slap you? That is totally wrong. This is not some movie, this does not work in real life. You have to ask her on a date, and then at the end of the date you lean in and see if she leans into you for a CONSENSUAL kiss. You don't just "land one" on her like swatting a fly. That's not romantic, that is creepy.


or just wait for a romantic moment and tell her that I like her again.

Again, you don't TELL someone how you like them, you show them. Actions, not words. Although in your case I am worried your actions would take things too far. Realistically, I am sorry to say, you've got a lot of learning to do about yourself and women. It is SO important to take the time to flirt, to have fun, and avoid the serious BS here. You want to be nice to her, not put her on the spot. It's like she's in court. Does she need a lawyer to defend herself? I wonder if you make her feel like that.


You've got one-itis and are almost stalking this one poor girl. You cannot see anything else on the entire planet. You could have learned a lesson and applied it to another interested woman, but you are determined to fail over and over with the same mistake. This is like trying to learn to ride a bike, but you keep going straight into a wall. Over and over and over and over .... and over.


Dude. Really. I don't mean to be harsh, but you've got to understand that this doesn't work no matter how much you like her. You HAVE to respect her decision. You have to have self-respect as well. You need to learn that it's time to find another women who has SOME interest in you. She's got NONE.


You may as well go try to jump the Grand Canyon on a motorcycle. No matter how "right" you think you are, this is simply something that cannot be done without practice. You're going to end up hurting her and yourself. If you tried to jump the Grand Canyon with no practice, do you honestly think you could make it? What you need is more practice! You need to start small! You need to date some other women! Ask some other women out! Get some other first date kisses! Get some PRACTICE!


Am I deluded despite all the what I've said and the fact that even her friend says she likes me?

Yes. You're getting bad information and making up the rest.


Would a girl not have a relationship just because she said no once even if it was because she was asked too soon or was confused or has now changed her mind?

If I - a guy - asked you on a date and you said no, would you change your mind just because I was buddy-buddy with you, kissed up to you, was real nice, and basically ignored your decision? You'd go gay for me? (I'm flattered, really, but you're not my type! ) No, seriously, you're trying to tell me that you can brainwash her into liking you. Man, I have a hard time getting my three-brain-celled cat to like me, let alone you want to get a woman to like you?


Does she maybe like me but is not ready for a relationship? She specifically told me that she couldn't date a friend because when the relationship ended things would get weird. I tried to (and this wasn't in the context of us) convince her that that isn't true but she didn't believe me. Could that be why she doesn't want to go out with me? Is there any way to change that? Sorry it was so long, any advice would be great. Thanks. Also if you want more details ask, though I think I've tried to get it as detailed as I can.

You've got too many questions for ONE simple fact:


She just does not like you that way.


This is not an insult. It says nothing of who you are. Maybe she doesn't like blondes (or brunettes, or whatever color your hair is.) God knows I won't date a redhead to save my life. Whatever it is, you cannot change her mind and you should respect her decision. If you are a true friend and a real man at all, THIS should be the most important thing for you to understand - respect her.


And go learn how to pick up women. Let me know if you would like some resources - I think you could really use them.

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Ok fine I guess it I suck at this sry Diggity! I just don't give it I used to know when a girl didn't like me and I was being dumb. But recently I missed it when a girl DID like me (told me later) and now I guess I'm missing it with this girl not liking me. I mean I quite honestly think she does like me and was pressures or confused. I don't mean that in the stupid denial way I guess I'm willing to accept she doesn't like me. I just honestly feel that way! Why can't I get this right? Is there some frikin screen on the back of girls heads that I'm sposed to read every time they walk away and I keep missing!

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Poco once again delivers. SomeGuy, you may not get it now, and you may not get it ever. Understand one thing, both Poco and I are both talking from experience, a LOT of experience with the same situations that you are now in. Choose to disagree and do what you want if that is what you want, but understand that your situation isn't something new to us.

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Ok guys. We are going out! I don't want you to take this post the wrong way cuz I was debating whether to tell you in IMs or here but I actually want some advice now lol so I'll do it here.


Convo came up today, I was really convinced she didn't like me by then after this thread. But the convo hinted at someone she likes and I just sorta wanted some closure. It took a while but she said she liked me. We're gonna go out.


So I guess though that I'm pretty new at this, and I want to keep her interested! Some advice would really help! Thanks.

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One thing you have to pay attention to is what girls DO as opposed to what they say. Sure she was telling you no, but there could be any number of reasons for this-like being too embarrassed to admit it... often times we want the guy to just KNOW what is going on with us--dumb I know--as if you had some psychic power.


So as you get more experienced in this dating thing I want you to remember this : Peoples actions give away their real intentions, no matter what they SAY.

Another thing to keep in mind is that no one can tell you the "truth" because we don't know the situation completely, we are just going on what you have written here. We can give you an opinion based on our experience and what we know about human nature, that's about it.


I'm going to give you this advice for starters, don't include her friends in this relationship you have with her. It's inevitable that she will tell them about you, but you should not be looking to them to answer your questions about her. Now you know she likes you, that should be enough for now. Don't discuss her with them, friends can lie and manipulate the situation...sadly they sometimes do...


What you been doing so far seemed to have worked with her, so just have fun together. Be yourself, be confident and treat her well.

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Thanks Mun, I totally agree. But she did say she didn't like me then. I guess she changed her mind I don't know I'm not gonna be picky lol. I don't plan on involving her friends, every time info has been given to me about her by her friends, I've not asked for it but it's be offered to me freely. We are going out Saturday and I just want a good date with her. I could easily just do a movie at home (we've been wanting to see wedding crasher together...haha ok maybe not the best movie just an example) or in the theater but I don't really want to do that, I want something that can be a bit more personal but that's also not so personal that there's nothing engaging to do. I also don't really want a dinner because I don't want her to get the idea that I'm gonna throw money at her, or should I do dinner? I was thinking concert actually. I could really use some help with this hehe, it's really short notice so I wont be able to get any amazing concert seats, plus her taste in music is confusing she says she likes basically everything I've sent her. What do you think will make for an impressive date that's not overbearing because I'm not trying to impress her, I'm trying to show her a good time while at the same time not being the same deal we do on weekends anyway. Thanks.

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SomeGuy -- What the heck is with you, guy?! You just got some of the soundest, caring, yet tough, advice there is from guys out there and you come back with some perverse obsessed tale of "going out" with some wacko chick who is obviously just toying with you. Now, that may be what you are into, being toyed with, being strung along. I think some guys, very, very insecure guys actually DO like that because it makes them feel somehow powerful. They think they are highly intuitive or that they hold some spell over a chick, when in actuality, the truth is, that there is really nothing there at all. Yes, e-cuddling, that is pathetic. Talk IS cheap.


I don't mean to be so hard on you and I was actually going to be much gentler, but when I saw that last message of yours after that mega-message by Poco, you ticked me off. If you come in here asking for advice you have to be ready to listen to it, not all of it of course, but listen enough or at least LOOK like you're listening enough so that you don't outright insult the people who are trying to help you, the people who are taking you seriously. Are you being serious? It sure doesn't sound like it.


What is it with the "she likes me" or "she doesn't like me." Is it such a huge thing to be liked by somebody? I would hope you are liked by lots and lots of people, but just because someone likes you doesn't mean it has to go one step beyond that. Please guy, get a grip!

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Cruisin...I'm not really sure how to take your post lol. If you don't believe me I can't help you. I'm telling the truth. If you think that I misinterpreted, I called her and we are going out of saturday. Not sure how else to take that but..we are going out on saturday.


I'm worried about your other point though. Poco and Diggity, I'm not trying to insult you! I really value your opinion a lot because it makes a lot of sense to me. It's just that I was trying to convey something that couldn't be conveyed by text I guess. I don't hold it against you at all that things didn't work out the way you said they would, hell I want to kiss you for it lol. If you are at all offended I would delete my posts right away.


Mun, I don't think wedding crashers is a good date movie lol, especially that we'd have to watch it on my laptop too I can't get it onto my DVD player lol.


She's 16, I'm 17.

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SomeGuy -- I didn't NOT believe you. I just wonder why you are hanging on the words of some girl who doesn't seem to be able to give you a clear answer AND to show it in actions. But now I see your ages and it's all kind of understandable....get out there, play, go through the ups and downs, have fun, get hurt, do it ALL! I'd say for your age you're being way too cautious, asking advice and all. When you're a teen it's all about just DOING, over and over again, not looking for a sure thing, the right way, or anything similar. You sound like a sweetie, an albeit obsessed sweetie, but you are 17!!! I think all 17-year-olds are obsessed. It's a part of what a teenager is. I'm sure Diggity and Poco, being older, mature men and undoubt wiser, will not take offense. But, I am glad you said something. It was hard to read that post about the going out part. I would have taken it as slap in the face if I had taken the time to micro answer your post as Poco had done. Good luck and have fun!

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Cruisin you wont believe how much I value poco's advice. This isn't the first time he's done that to a post for me. Maybe things didn't work out exactly the way he said they would this time but he never says he's 100% sure anyway and I totally respect him.


What happened is that I asked her if she liked me why didn't she say yes the first time. She said I didn't like you then. Hope that clears that up. Obsessed? Well maybe since I'm not so good at this lol. You're right I'm a very very cautious individual at times. OCD with some things to be honest, don't worry I'm not ocd with girls lol. But I'm trying to not be like that.


The reason I want all this advice for this date btw is that winter break is coming up and she is going on vacation. Like mun said, girls at this age can be fickle and I want to leave an impact. But then again, do you think I have to? We've known each other and talked enough that we know each other pretty well. At least I think so. I'm sorry I must be making a fool of myself lol.

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Some -- LOL. I think OCD is not something you can just turn on/turn off when you feel like it. You probably just want to analyze everything. Firstly, you're not making a fool of yourself. I think making a fool of yourself in a relationship is not really a valid concept...in other words....anything goes....ok, mouth open, drool dripping out...that may be kind of foolish.


As for making an impact....CUT the strategic thinking. This is NOT a movie. I am soooo sick of the utter nonsense that is coming out these days in the movie theaters and on TV. But, it's understandable. Just think of the people who are making the stuff...ok, beside the point.


Take it from an old hand. Why do people remember you? They remember you because they had fun! Can you say that word? FUN. Short, easy, to the point. It's not about tricks or strategies. It's about laughter and emotion and feeling life. If YOU are having fun, then she'll probably have fun (I'm talking about your regular kind of fun here, nothing totally male-oriented or anything perverse). Talk to her, ask her questions, keep the mood light. Tell her about yourself in equal dosage. Lay OFF the "you and me stuff." Lay OFF the "you make me feel good stuff." That's for the movies. That's for the reviews. We don't want to hear that on a date. All it does is make the guy come accross as super insecure or super full of himself or it makes it sound to the girl that he was expecting less. I mean, whenever I hear that (and I hear it a lot ) it's like, "yeah, well, why WOULDN'T I make you feel good?!


Look, if you like her, you will BE having fun just being with her. If she likes you she will have fun. If she doesn't like her there is no sense in trying to force anything. You can't force it. It may seem that way but in the end, the forced smilies and polite replies will pale and the true feelings will come out...ick. Just go for what's real. It's easy and it's fun. Ok?

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forced smilies and polite replies will pale and the true feelings will come out


Hahaha! Give me some credit here...this isn't an internet relationship. Smilies lol. But I totally understand what you're saying. You got the wrong idea. I wont be doing any of that or anything. I just want a good setting for the date, the rest will take care of itself. I have no doubt in our ability to have fun together. If anything we can just go lay down in the snow and stare at the stars when it gets dark. I guess you're right. Just don't worry about it It's just that I didn't know where I wanted the date so I said I'd surprise her. I want it to be a good surprise


Btw thank you for your posts, I was really worried I had hurt some feelings there for a while or was just being a general idiot.

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Btw thank you for your posts, I was really worried I had hurt some feelings there for a while or was just being a general idiot.


You're welcome and you're certainly not an idiot. It's extremely hard to read the tone of posts. ...I know I tend to come accross way harder than I mean to because people don't know that my often cut-to-the-quick words are always couched in caring.... Getting out there and asking is the best thing and you did that. Wow. Wish there were more guys like you around my neck of the woods....

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I'm going to cut right to the chase here, so hang on for the ride!


I don't plan on involving her friends, every time info has been given to me about her by her friends, I've not asked for it but it's be offered to me freely.

As mentioned in PM, you need to *cut* her friends out of the picture.


I could easily just do a movie at home (we've been wanting to see wedding crasher together...haha ok maybe not the best movie just an example) or in the theater but I don't really want to do that

Movie = bad date.




1. Because you cannot talk to her and get to know her (although you already do) so this is simply your way of entertaining her.

2. Because is may cost money. You don't want to appear to be "buying" her like a prostitute, do you?

3. Because if she is taking advantage of you, then ANYTHING that is entertaining is better than being with you.


A woman who likes YOU would rather spend time with you and nothing else. thereforeeee, a good first date would be a walk in a park, a coffee at starbucks and sit and talk, or a long drive alone to a lookout point. Face time. Talking time. You need to spend time with her, not some movie screen where you cannot talk. (At least not for FIRST dates.)


I also don't really want a dinner because I don't want her to get the idea that I'm gonna throw money at her

This is one of the smartest things I think I have seen you say. You are starting to pick up on things, see how that works? You're coming around.


I was thinking concert actually.

No! Absolutely not! Why would you want to go to a loud concert where you cannot talk? Plus, she could get hit on by some other guy! This is bad because it has a high entertainment value, low conversational value, and a high "other people" value.


What do you think will make for an impressive date that's not overbearing because I'm not trying to impress her, I'm trying to show her a good time while at the same time not being the same deal we do on weekends anyway.

Go to a museum. Go to the beach. Go to a park. Go to Starbucks. Go to a bookstore and see what books you like (hint, stay out of the magazine section) Go to something where you have to talk and get to know each other.


Then, if this is a date, you need to make it known you are looking for more. Be flirty. Gently tease her. Gently touch her hands or brush fingers and then move up to pulling her by hand somewhere, then move to hold her hand. At the end of the date, walk her to her door and look her in the eye and slowly go for a kiss.


Go watch the movie Hitch for good advice on the goodnight kiss.


And do NOT over-compliment her. If you compliment a woman, do it on the effort she has made to look good for you (i.e., "You look very nice tonight" or "that is a very nice outfit." Never use "You look hot" or "You have a sexy body." Those are very needy things to say as they focus on her and what you want, not the effort she took for you.


And if she shows up in a sloppy outfit, no makeup, or otherwise not made up for you ... she's not thinking this is a date. The amount of effort she puts in for you is a good indicator of her interest level in you.


Actions speak louder than words.

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SomeGuy, the point is even if she has "decided" she likes you, I personally wouldn't date someone who is so hot and cold with feelings. She's either taking advantage of you or she simply is a mess in her head. I find her actions to be very odd and that would make me very hesistant to try to get involved with her.


As far as the movie Hitch, I thought that was a great movie until the end when all of the sudden Will Smith goes right back to the movie cliche of humiliating yourself in front of a woman and begging for her to like you. It was a sick way to end a movie that had tons of potential.

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Lol well Diggity, I like her /shrug. I want to go out with her and so that's what I'm gonna do lol.


Hey poco. We are going out after debate on saturday cuz that is the ONLY time we have free (or at least that I have free) before she leaves for vacation. I could make it so we get to go home first though, but I donno it seems like a good idea to just grab her from debate and go on our date.


Also, I clearly called it a date so that's what I think it is lol. Good ideas though. We already did the park thing and I just said I'd surprise her (cuz I didn't know where to go) so that's the only reason I wanna really do something interesting, but looking at your advice it's prolly more prudent to think less impressive.


I don't think she's using me she's pretty innocent all around you can ask anyone who knows her. She actually sent me a song about being madly in love with a girl and her not knowing which started the convo that lead to her telling me lol. She said she had no idea I still liked her. Like I said not too experienced with this. I'm sure there are ways to interpret that as maneuvering me but I think I'm done analyzing it I'm just gonna go with it and see where it ends up.


Also I just got into my top choice college! YAY, but means next year I wont even be in this city hehe. I'm feeling pretty good all around right now, thanks guys!

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