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Why are all the good ones taken?

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Why are all the great men in the world taken? Most of them by girls that dont love them or by wondful girls that well its just to hard to hate them. So I am stuck with all the crazy psyco ones because all the good ones are either taken or they stay at home or they live on the other side of the country.


Just needed to vent

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Why are all the great men in the world taken? Most of them by girls that dont love them or by wondful girls that well its just to hard to hate them. So I am stuck with all the crazy psyco ones because all the good ones are either taken or they stay at home or they live on the other side of the country.


Just needed to vent


Could I agree any more?!?!?!


Taken. Or gay. Equally annoying.

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Negative places are where I find negative people but in a place where there is positive surrounding, you will find the good ones.


It's Good to vent out when needed. I could understand. . . . .


I wish you the best. . . . .

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Jesus you girls are truly blind... The guy next to you would probably be the best fit but you all kick him to the side... (He's only a friend, that's because I never found him attractive... Even though he would care more about me than most of my ex-b/f ever have!)


Where are all the good men at? Open your eyes....



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what goes around comes around. I've always been the one to attract those hot, nice guys...u know, the one ur mother is in love with herself, the ones that bring u roses and candy and are doing something with their lives... and i never quite appreciated them until i got what was coming for me. I left a nice guy, treated him like sh!t...and then i met "someone better"...well, this "better guy" cheated on me, lied, used me...blah blah...the list goes on and on.

Ijust learned a good damned lesson. Next time that nice guy comes around (which i know he will, bc i have always attracted the nice ones) im gonna be the nicest girl a guy can have! Im going to treat them the way they deserve. and definitely not go out with anymore guys like the one that "taught me the lesson"!!

well good luck to everyone finding that perfect guy...i know every girl is in search for him...



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i always attract the guys who appear nice but really arent. i guess the tables have turned cause now i have a really great guy.


i agree with yall. the nice guys are either right in front of you and you just cant see it or they are taken......blah blah blah. i hate that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You have to find an "in between". And that does exist. I've had it where there is equal pull between the both of us as far as a challenge. And it's human nature to feel that way. No one wants a push over! But it's really hard to find the happy medium! (But what else is new!) That's how you'll know it's right!

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It's partly your guys' fault in this. Ever heard of the phrase "nice guys finish last"? Why is that? Well it's because you women aren't interested in the nice guy, you're interested in the outgoing, partying, bold, mysterious, usually a jerk guy.


It's just a fact of life.

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Nice guy do finish last. if i was a girl i'll think that nice guys are boring also. really, most nice guys don't really have any adventure in them. i said MOST, so all you mountain climbing, bungie jumping nice guys don't flame me pls but don't worry, usually when the girls are ready to settle down in life, they usually end up with the nice guy. so, i win!@ god damn why do females have to be so complicated..

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Nice guy do finish last. if i was a girl i'll think that nice guys are boring also. really, most nice guys don't really have any adventure in them. i said MOST, so all you mountain climbing, bungie jumping nice guys don't flame me pls but don't worry, usually when the girls are ready to settle down in life, they usually end up with the nice guy. so, i win!@ god damn why do females have to be so complicated..


Hope you put your flame suit on!!!!! I have been told that I am a great nice guy by all of my significant others. Usually when I am in a relationship, I am surrounded by other females see what I do for my prospective mate. Usually they are attracted by that and tell me as well that I am the type of guy the are looking for, nice, considerate and very heartful. But also I am a very adventurous person. I do enjoy life and have to experience new things. I always try to expose my significant others to those type of things, but more so than often, I find myself with someone who is not as adventurous as I am, and would consider drinking all night long in a college environment other that trying new things. Why? Because these people are scared of life, or scared to experience things that are out of the norm for them. It has nothing to do with being nice at all or being a great person! I see way to many people take advantage of each other while being complacent and bored with their lives. I'm not going to be that way, but I'll be sure as hell not to sacrifice who I am, especially to anybody I am interested in. Me, adventurous? Yes. Great guy? I'd like to think so, that's what I am told by my peers anyway! So there are these type of people out there!

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dont' slap yourself on the back to hard.... Being a nice guy takes a bit of modesty too. I'm just wondering about the drinking all night in a college environment. It's College!! That's what you do! I graduated from my undergrad not too long ago and I liked the party atmosphere. I had a blast. And I'm not afraid of life. I surf, rock climb, mountain bike, skate, play variuos instuments, paint, etc... Doesn't sound like a person who is afraid of life. All the people that I "sat" around and drank with.... all enjoy the same things.


Don't judge what you don't know...

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lol, i guess i'm only 1/2 the man you are. I'm a nice guy but not very adventurous. I'm not scared of life or experimenting, but i do play if safe a lot to times. I admire you for being so outgoing. speedracer is right though. i used to despise people who'd drink. people that do drink are very social. you just gotta give them a chance.


Why not just ask the females on this forum. What do you females really want from a guy? a bad boy type or a nice guy with family values?? lets see how many females will avoid my question.

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dont' slap yourself on the back to hard.... Being a nice guy takes a bit of modesty too. I'm just wondering about the drinking all night in a college environment. It's College!! That's what you do! I graduated from my undergrad not too long ago and I liked the party atmosphere. I had a blast. And I'm not afraid of life. I surf, rock climb, mountain bike, skate, play variuos instuments, paint, etc... Doesn't sound like a person who is afraid of life. All the people that I "sat" around and drank with.... all enjoy the same things.


Don't judge what you don't know...


I guess I was three steps ahead in my thinking processes when I wrote my past post! I Should have explained my analagy! Sorry! I am in the air force. I have been in for just over 7 years now. I have left the dorm environment long ago. But there are a few social groups that continue this mentality that I know well into their upper 20's early 30's and some into almost their 40's. (Hence the Collage environment Analogy!) I'm past that phase, and I am the type of person that has to have a diversified life. My past post did not have the intention of patting myself on the back. I'm a very humble person, and I will admit my faults and have the mindset to correct them. But more so to prove that there are people out there that are great people and aren't boring.


Don't judge what you don't know...


That was an unnecssisary flame...but thank you! I'll take my ignorance in the subject and kindly be quiet in my thoughts of what I do know and have experienced in life.

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Depends on what stage of life a girl is in. Personally, I just want to have fun. Whether it is with a "bad" boy or a "nice" boy, as long as they are willing to go out and have a good time with me. That's great. What I end up finding are ones that want to settle down and get married...at age 19!!!! And I'm sorry, but no thank you. If I'm married by age 30, I'll be in shock. Nice guys are good to settle down with and I'm dating a guy who is perfectly nice to me. I like a guy who wants what I want in a relationship, not too serious. I always thought it was the girls who wanted to settle down and the guys who went running for the hills, apparently in southern maryland, we're really backwards.

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