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A creative or funny way to approach woman

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This past friday night I was out drinking with my buddies when something happened that has got me thinking...I was just sitting there having a beer with my mates when this lady walked up to me. The problem was that she was not great looking at all and rather drunk. She said to me: "Hello there what is your name?" to which I replied my name is .....

She then said to me: "Do you know that u are a really good looking guy?" To which I replied: "Well thank you very much" and then I thought to myself, "well do you expect me to sleep with you now that youve given me a complement?" And then she said to me: "You say that almost as if you know it" and then hung around for my response and wlaked away.

The thing is if she was a little more creative or used a slightly different approach maybe I would have at least have spoken to her. Now I think about all the woman that I have approached in almost exactly the same way and have been rejected. Now in a way I kind of know how a woman feels when she gets hit on...

I want to know if anyone has any sugestions either funny or creative for ways to approach a woman I would appreciate it.

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This is something that I'm interested in. Over here in Ireland, it's a different story to what the rest of the world thinks. Getting pissed out of your head only works for a period of time, and then it starts to get depressing. The social scene here is in bits. You go out, you get sh*tfaced, and then you try to score. There are no other places really to meet people.


Personally I gave up that game, because it's so hit amd miss in terms of finding a real person. Theres no satisfaction other than physical in finding some complete idiot in a club and scoring them - later finding out that they are indeed, and idiot.


Chatting up girls in this environment is an absolute nightmare - especially since there are guys everywhere running around the place trying the same thing. The girls just sit there and wait for the right lines to be spoken and then they are probably scored for the night. How can you win in this situation ? How can you find someone in a highly competitive environment like this? Girls - you should be able to answer this one.

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It's not that these aren't the sort of people I want to meet - it's that the environment is all wrong. It actually turns many of us off playing the game at all.


There are lots of nice girls in clubs, it's just the system in there is so nasty thats all.



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Even though when I go to a club it would be nice to take someone home for a 1 night stand, that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a friendship or a possible future relationship. I would like to give the impression that sex is not the only thing I am interested in and would like to say more than would you like to score with me.

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Even though when I go to a club it would be nice to take someone home for a 1 night stand, that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a friendship or a possible future relationship. I would like to give the impression that sex is not the only thing I am interested in and would like to say more than would you like to score with me.


It'd be hard to do that in most clubs. The environment is to superficial and people are just out 2 have fun. Try different places.

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What places would you suggest Pimpcess? Thats my problem - short of the pub and a club, there are none that I can think of short of stopping people on the street!!


The environment in a club is probably quite natural, but yet it's not. Dancing and partying as a mating ritual has been around for centuries, so what is it that makes it so hard to work now?

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People have been getting mad out of their faces for years in order to find their mate - and dancing has been a huge part of it. I guess it's the sitting around the dancefloor like a letcherous drunken freak eyeing up every thing on two legs looking for whatever it is that causes the problems.


I simply don't find girls approachable in that situation. Most girls I meet like the person I am - I make them laugh, they find me interesting and I'm not a total tigers ass lookalike !! lol Yet in a club, the same girls would not get the same oppertunity to see that at all. Christ, I need to join a dating agency - thats the answer isn't it


mMMMMMMMM, Interesting thought !!!!

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When people are drunk they can be intimidating, and when they puke on u its never pretty. I've met boyfriends at college, on holiday, through mates, on the bus, in clubs, on random steps at 3 in the morning....

And I swear, the best of the bunch was the Bus boy.

It goes 2 show u never know where u'll meet some1 or whats around the corner.

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I think Pimpcess has a point. Let me explain. One day I was walking from work to my car in a real dodgy part of town. As I got about 5 metres from the corner of a building a drop-dead gorgeous lady walked around the corner and started walking down the side-walk towards me. I looked into her eyes as I walked past her. But I had to look back at her - she was beautiful. As I looked back at her, so she looked back at me. What did I do or say - nothing. I folded under the pressure. I now kick myself - if only I had taken a chance who knows what could have happened. So sometime maybe one should just stop people on the street...


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Hey Alien !


Don't get me wrong, I agree with Pimpcess 100%. You are probably more likely to be successfull with a stranger on their own on the street, than with the same stranger with a bunch of their stranger friends. The situation is a bit more natural isn't it !! In saying that, why really didn't you say something to that girl.


The street I work on has loads of sweet girls on it every day - and there are a number of them that I have regular moments with. So why wouldn't I do something about that ? Fear of Rejection I surpose !!


It's tough, but would you agree that the odds are better?!1


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Yay I have a point! Wow, first for everything. U never know what 2moro will bring. But I dont think u should look 4 it, let it come 2 u, it will. U dont have 2 just bound up 2 them and start talikn about the weather, smile, chill, build it up second by second minute by minute, hour by hour day by day so on so forth...

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Had to throw in my two cents and agree with 'Charmed'...You're totally right Al - I'm in the north, and go put most weekends in Belfast, yet any women i've been out with have been met in other ways. I've met people through work, through friends ,and my (famous on this site) ex i met via an internet dating/community called Love@Lycos. I don't even bother now to chat up women in pubs & clubs because 90% of them are idiots. Sure i've had one night stands with women in clubs (who hasn't) but that's not really my style any more. I think women in clubs are automatically on the defensive, because of the amount of jerks that try to chat them up, and frankly i just can't be bothered to try and show that i'm a normal guy. Why should I? I shouldn't have to prove myself to anyone.

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It's not that they are idiots, it's that they act like idiots. You meet them on their own, without all the crap and you have a better view. We can all go out and get a shag if we really want to, but we aren't after that are we - and the club is 95% the wrong place to find what we are looking for !!

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In saying that, if you think Belfast is bad man, don't bother coming down here !!! They are so up their own a*ses it's unbelieveable. Talk about thinking you are gods gift !!! It's impossible - expeciall in the City Centre. Pretencious idiots !!!

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Yeah, i suppose you're right.


I remember a funny story i read on an old post about a guy in a club who saw a beautiful woman at the bar. He walked up and stood beside her in a way that suggested he was about to feed her a line. She looked at him, ready to fend him off, but he said "Don't worry, I'm not gonna try and chat you up". He then turned away and ordered his drink. Apparently she couldn't stop looking at him all night, and before too long, she approached him to make conversation.


Don't think i'd ever try a trick like that (my current gf might not be pleased.. ), but it would be fun to see someone else try it.

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I'm not surprised that worked - it's reverse psychology isn't it. And of course, women want what they can not have. You tell them they can't have you, and they all of a sudden can't live without you !!


In all fairness whats that about !!!?????? Ladies, can any of you shed some light on why you want things you can't have and you don't want things that you easily can?!!!



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I'm not surprised that worked - it's reverse psychology isn't it. And of course, women want what they can not have. You tell them they can't have you, and they all of a sudden can't live without you !!


In all fairness whats that about !!!?????? Ladies, can any of you shed some light on why you want things you can't have and you don't want things that you easily can?!!!




Its the thrill of the chase, its the same with men, what we cant have, seems more attractive, its human nature.

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