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Ok question.....


How many of you have broken up with someone..started dating someone else and STILL thought of your ex ? Did you try to replace them with that other person? Did you stay in contact with the ex while dating this other person? Did you end up getting back together..or did you want to?


Is it wrong to date someone and STILL have someone else in your head?

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It has happened to me that I have thought of an ex whilst dating someone else and my guess is that it would be quite common.


I have never thought aboyut replacing an ex. Yes I have stayed in contact with exes. I have never thought about getting back together with an ex once I started to see someone else.


Is it wrong to date someone and still have someone else in your head? Personally I don't think it is but it might depend on everyone's understanding of things.

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I am going through the same exact thing...


I am with a girl whom I care for very much right now....yet I still find myself thinking of my ex now and then. Even though my ex/gf is a horrable person...and has done cruel and disgusting things....i still miss the times we shared....i dont know why...but i see her...i find myself staring at her and talking to her. Trying to remain friends, when I have every reason not too. My current gf is a very caring person who would do anything for me....but I'm so scared of getting hurt again.....the last time i felt that pain...it nearly took my life (read previous posts).....its been almost 4 months and its still not completely gone, not a day goes by where i dont think of her......but i find myself thinking of the new gf 100 times more.....

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Be happy with your new gf and appreciate what you have. I hope you are not with her just to get over your ex, but if you have feelings for her be so happy you found a great woman. From time to time I think about my ex's, but they are ex's for a reason. There is nothing wrong with good memories, but I am sure you and your new girl will make some amazing memories.



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Ok question.....


How many of you have broken up with someone..started dating someone else and STILL thought of your ex ? Did you try to replace them with that other person? Did you stay in contact with the ex while dating this other person? Did you end up getting back together..or did you want to?


Is it wrong to date someone and STILL have someone else in your head?


I think that dating while you are separated is an essential part of the learning experience. I date and am in contact with my ex. I've learned a lot about myself by dating other people, and it's fun. Do I think about my ex? All the time, dating is not enough to extinguish that flame. Do I feel bad about it? Not really, it's dating.

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to be honest we never forget special people from our pasts. however, i do feel that it is very important to have fully moved on before dating someone new. what does that mean? when you know beyond doubt that if your ex came up to you and asked you to go out or whatever you know you would say no. that you dont want to have a relationshp with them. but that often doesnt happen lol.

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